American Rhetoric: Movie Speech

"Jack Ryan" (TV Series, S2)


Gloria Bonalde Addresses Campaign Supporters in el Barrio de Catia La Mar


Gloria Bonalde: My people, when I decided to run for President, I did it as a protest. I did it for myself, and in honor of Sergio, my husband -- who went missing one night and I haven't seen him in over a year. So I thank you all very much for being here.

President Reyes talks of change, about a revolution. But he doesn't really want a revolution. President Reyes doesn't want you to notice the dozens
of missing patriots just like Sergio who disappeared because they refused to be silent. He doesn't want to hear about the pain we feel from hunger, from diseases, from corruption in Venezuela!

But he forgot one important thing -- our history.

Simón Bolivar once said: "People who love freedom will in the end always be free!"

And this -- this is our country.

And we will take it back!

Crowd chanting in unison: The people united will never be defeated!

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American Rhetoric.
HTML transcription by Michael E. Eidenmuller.