American Rhetoric: Movie Speech "Thank You For Smoking" (2005) .
Nick Naylor Testifies Before A Congressional Committee
Audio mp3 delivered principally by Aaron Eckhart and William H. Macy
Senator Finistirre: Please state your name, address, and current occupation. Nick Naylor: My name is Nick Naylor. I live at 6000 Massachusetts Avenue. And I am currently unemployed but until recently I was the Vice President of the Academy of Tobacco Studies. Senator Finistirre: Mr. Naylor, as Vice President of the Academy of Tobacco Studies, what was required of you? What did you do?
Senator Finistirre: And what, so far, has the Academy concluded in their investigation into the effects of tobacco? Nick Naylor: Well, many things actually. Why just the other day they uncovered evidence that smoking can offset Parkinson's disease.
Nick Naylor: Conglomerated Tobacco. Senator Finistirre: That's the cigarette companies. Nick Naylor: For the most part, yes. Senator Finistirre: Do you think that might affect their priorities?
Nick Naylor: Yes. In fact, I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who really believes that cigarettes are not potentially harmful. I mean -- show of hands -- Who out here thinks that cigarettes aren't dangerous?
Nick Naylor: I'm sorry. I just don't see the point in a warning label for something people already know.
Nick Naylor: Well, if we want to remind people of danger why don't we slap a skull and crossbones on all Boeing airplanes, Senator Lothridge [Rep. Washington]. And all Fords, Senator Dupree [Rep. Michigan]. Senator Finistirre: That is ridiculous. The death toll from airline and automobile accidents doesn't even skim the surface cigarettes. They don't even compare. Nick Naylor: Oh, this from a Senator who calls Vermont home. Senator Lothridge: I don't follow you, Mr. Naylor.
Nick Naylor: Gentlemen, it's called education. It doesn't come off the side of a cigarette carton. it comes from our teachers, and more importantly our parents. It is the job of every parent to warn their children of all the dangers of the world, including cigarettes, so that one day when they get older they can choose for themselves. I look at my son who, was kind enough to come with me today, and I can't help but think that I am responsible for his growth and his development. And I'm proud of that. Senator Finistirre: Well, having said that, would you condone him smoking? Nick Naylor: Well, of course not. He's not 18. That would be illegal.
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