American Rhetoric: Movie Speech

"The Covenant" (2023)


"Pay Your Debts": Master Sergeant John Kinley Explains Who the Real Target of the Intervention Is



Sergeant Declan O'Brady:

There's been a[n] official complaint.

Master Sergeant John Kinley:

Oh, I see. You brought me here for an intervention, or to slap my wrist.

That's not why I'm here.

You think if I could be shot of this debt, I wouldn't be? Do you think if I could just go through the usual channels, I wouldn't?

That is not how this debt works.

It demands a result -- not an appeasement.


There is a hook in me, one that you cannot see, but it is there.

And you think I have a choice?

There is no [redacted] choice.

I am going to get that man and his family out of the position that we put him in -- and of that I have no doubt.


And you're gonna help me, Colonel.

The reason that I am here -- I saved your life eight years ago.

So you're gonna get those visas. I don't know how. But you're gonna get them -- because I know you are the type of man that pays his debts.

Pay your debts.

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American Rhetoric.
HTML transcription by Michael E. Eidenmuller.