American Rhetoric: Movie Speech

"The Great Santini" (1979)


Remembrance Service for Bull "The Great Santini" Meechum

Audio mp3 delivered by Michael Strong


Colonel Varney: The long and the short of it simply is that he died because he stayed with his plane 'til it was clear of the town, because he was a true Marine, and because he cared.

I wanna tell you Ben, Mary Anne, Matthew, Karen, and Lillian that I'll like the world less without Bull. It'll be a duller, more colorless place. We'll all remember him. And we'll honor that memory.


Honor Guard: Detail, attention!

Half-right face.

Ready! Aim! Fire!

Aim! Fire!

Aim! Fire!

Detail, attention!

Half-left face! Present arms!

[Buglers blow "Taps" followed by flyover of 4 U.S. Marine Corps fighter planes.]

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HTML transcription by Michael E. Eidenmuller.