"The Wizard of
The Wizard's Offer

Audio mp3
delivered principally by Frank Morgan
Cowardly Lion: Tell me when
it's over. Look at that. Look at that! Uhhuhhuhhuhhuhhuh....I wanna go

Oz: I am Oz -- the Great and
Powerful. Who are you? Who are you?!
Dorothy: If you please, I am
Dorothy -- the small and meek. We've come to ask --
Oz: Silence!
Dorothy: Oh, Oh, Jiminy

Oz: The Great and Powerful
Oz knows why you have come. Step
forward, Tin Man.
Tin Man: Uahh.
Oz: You dare to come to me for
a heart, do you? You clinking, clanking, clattering collection of
caliginous junk!
Tin Man: Oooohhh. Uh, yes, yes
sir. Yyyes, your Honor. You see, awhile back we were walking down the
yellow brick road and --
Oz: QUIET!!!
Tin Man: Oooohhhhhh!

Oz: And you, Scarecrow, have
the effrontery to ask for a brain! You billowing bale of bovine fodder!!

Scarecrow: Thanks, your Honor
-- I mean, your Excellency -- I mean, your Wizardry.

Oz: Enough! And you, Lion.

[The Cowardly Lion

Dorothy: You oughtta be ashamed of yourself, frightening him like that when he
came to you for help!
Oz: Silence, Whippersnapper.
The beneficent
Oz has every intention of granting your requests.
The Cowardly Lion: [coming to]
...What's that? Huh? What'd he say? What'd he say?

Oz: But first you must prove
yourselves worthy by performing a very small task. Bring me the broomstick
of the Witch of the West.
The Scarecrow: Bbbbbbbbut...if
we do that, we'll have to kill her to get it.
Oz: Bring me her broomstick and
I'll grant your requests. Now, go.
The Cowardly Lion: But what if
she kills us first? |

Oz: I said GO!!!