Rhetoric & Christianity: A Working Bibliography Author's Note: Articles in red are missing one or more missing citation elements. Also, while effort has been made to ensure that the citations are accurate and follow standard APA guidelines, some errors are likely present. Please refer to the actual source material and/or additional bibliographic references for confirmation. If you spot an error, or if you wish to suggest an addition to this list, please e-mail me at: owner@americanrhetoric.com
Journal Articles Adams, J.C. (1990). Linguistic values and religious experiences: An analysis of clothing metaphors in Alexander Richardson's Ramist-Puritan lectures on speech, "Speech is a garment to cloath our reason." Quarterly Journal of Speech, 76(1), 58-68. Adler, B. J. (1995). Building and maintaining church identity: Rhetorical strategies found in letters from two Lutheran leaders. Journal of Communication and Religion, 18, 29-39 Anderson, F.D. (1970). Hugh Latimer, spokesman for a Christian commonwealth. Central States Speech Journal, 21(3), 146-153. Aune, David E. The Westminster Dictionary of New Testament and Early Christian Literature and Rhetoric. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2003. Bineham, J. L. (1989). Consensus theory and religious belief. Communication Studies, 40(3l), 141-155. Bineham, J. L. (1991). Parables and the oral medium: A metaphorical approach to religious language, Journal of Communication and Religion, 14, 1-8. Bineham, J.L. (1993). Theological hegemony and oppositional interpretive codes: The case of evangelical Christian feminism. Western Journal of Communication, 57(4), 515-529. Brack, H. A. (1978). Review of Christian criticism: A study of literary God talk (Thomas F. Merrill). Philosophy and Rhetoric,11(3), 210-211. Chapel, G.W. (1975). Christian Science and the nineteenth century women's movement. Central States Speech Journal, 26(2), 142-149. Clark, T.D. (1977). An exploration of generic aspects of contemporary American Christian sermons. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 63(4), 384-394. Clark, T.D. (1979). An analysis of recurrent features of contemporary American radical, liberal, and conservative political discourse. Southern Speech Communication Journal, 44, 399-422. Cleckner, P.W. (1971). Religious language and the problem of religious knowledge. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 57(1), 124. Cohen, E., & Menache, S. (1986). Holy wars and sainted warriors: Christian war propaganda in the Middle Ages. Journal of Communication, 36(2), 52-62. Conrad, C. (1983). The rhetoric of the moral majority: An analysis of romantic form. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 69,159-70. Daniels, T.D., Jensen, R.J., & Lichtenstein, A. (1985). Resolving the paradox in politicized Christian fundamentalism. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 49(4), 248-266. Daughton, S. M. (1993). Metaphorical transcendence: Images of the holy war in Franklin Roosevelt's first inaugural. The Quarterly Journal of Speech, 79, 427-446. Detwiler, T. (1988). Viewing Robertson's rhetoric in an Augustinian mirror. Journal of Communication and Religion, 11, 22-31. Dieter, O. A. L., & Kurth, W. C. (1968). The De Rhetorica of
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