1 is 2 Many PSA on Campus Sexual Assault
Aaron Swartz: Freedom to Connect Conference on SOPA
Abba Eban: 1949 Address to a United Nations Ad Hoc Political Committee
Abba Eban: Appeal for Assistance to the Jewish Diaspora in the United States
Abbott & Costello: Who's on First
Abe Shinzo: Opening Remarks at a 2007 Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
Abe Shinzo: 2013 Olympic Presentation Speech on Behalf of Japan
Abe Shinzo: Address to a Joint Sitting of the Parliament of Australia
Abe Shinzo: Address to a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress
Abe Shinzo: Address at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial
Abe Shinzo: Reconciliation Address at Pearl Harbor
Abe Shinzo: Emperor Naruhito Formal Accession Address
Opening Statement to the Press on COVID-19 Countermeasures
Abe Shinzō: Press Conference on COVID-19
Abe Shinzō: Opening Statement on National Emergency Declaration
Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani: Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony Address
Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani: El Al Flight 973 Arrival Ceremony Address
Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan: Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony Speech
Abraham Lincoln: Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise
Abraham Lincoln: A House Divided
Abraham Lincoln: Cooper Union Address
Abraham Lincoln: First Presidential Inaugural Address
Abraham Lincoln: "Gettysburg Address"
Abraham Lincoln: Second Presidential Inaugural Address
Abraham Ribicoff: 1968 DNC Nomination of George McGovern
Abraham Sinkov: 1930 Interview Excerpt on Cryptology
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa: First Address to the UN General Assembly (Abridged)
Academy Awards Acceptance speeches
Adam Ellwanger: "Make Education Great Again!"
Adam Meyers: Written Testimony to Congress on 2024 CrowdStrike Incident
Adam Schiff: House Intel Statement on Russian Active Measures
Adam Schiff: On House Intel Republicans' Call to Resign Chairmanship
Adlai Stevenson: 1952 Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech
Adlai Stevenson: Campaign Speech for John F. Kennedy
Adlai Stevenson: U.N. Address on Soviet Missiles in Cuba
Adlai Stevenson: U.N. Memorial Address for John F. Kennedy
Adlai Stevenson: U.N. Memorial Address for Eleanor Roosevelt
Adrien Brody: Oscar Award Acceptance Speech
African American Speeches and Speakers (American RadioWorks)
Ahmed Zewail: Caltech Commencement Address
Ajit Pai: FCC Statement Supporting Internet Freedom Restoration Order
Ajit Pai: Remarks on US 5G Deployment
Alan Cayetano: 2019 SEA Games Opening Ceremony Speech
Alan Simpson: Eulogy for George H.W. Bush
Albert Del Rosario: To the Permanent Court of Arbitration on South China Sea
Albert Einstein: On the Political Aftermath of the Atomic Bomb
Alexander H. Stephens: Cornerstone Confederate Speech
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: Harvard Commencement Address
Alexandra Kerry: 2004 DNC Address
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: First Floor Speech Before Congress
Al Gore: Columbine Memorial Speech
Al Gore: 2000 Concession Speech
Al Gore: 2004 Democratic National Convention Speech
Al Gore: Address on the Constitution at Constitution Hall
Al Gore: Nobel Lecture
Al Gore: 2008 Democratic National Convention Speech
Alma Powell: Grad Nation Campaign Announcement
Al Mohler: Justice Sunday Address at Highview Baptist Church
Al Sharpton: 2004 DNC Address
Amanda Gorman: Poem Reading at 59th Presidential Inauguration
America and the Courts Archive (C-Span)
American Archive of Public Broadcasting
American Leaders Speak: 1918-1920 (Library of Congress)
American Memory Collection (keyword=speeches) (Library of Congress)
American Rhetoric: YouTube Channel
Amy Coney Barrett: USSC Nomination Acceptance Speech
Amy Coney Barrett: USSC Swearing-in Ceremony Speech
Amy Poehler: Harvard University Commencement Address
Andre Agassi: On Stefanie Graf's Tennis Hall of Fame Induction
Andre Agassi: Farewell to Tennis at the U.S. Open
Andre Agassi: International Tennis Hall of Fame Induction Speech
Angela Merkel: Harvard University Commencement Address (English)
Angela Merkel: Harvard University Commencement Address (Deutsche)
Angela Merkel: Address to the Nation on the Novel Coronavirus (English)
Angela Merkel: Pre-Easter Speech on Novel Coronavirus Measures
Angelina Grimke Weld: Speech at Pennsylvania Hall
Angelina Jolie: Speech at an Interfaith Iftar Reception
Anita Hill: Senate Judiciary Testimony on Clarence Thomas
Anna Howard Shaw: The Fundamental Principle of a Republic
Ann Dunwoody: Speech at Promotion to 4-Star General Ceremony
Ann Dunwoody: Press Q&A on 4-Star General Promotion
Anne Keast-Butler: GCHQ Keynote at CYBERUK 2024
Ann Richards: 1988 Democratic National Convention Address
Anthony Albanese: White House Reception Ceremony Address
Anthony Albanese: Press Conference Announcing Age-Based Restrictions on Social Media Use
Antonio T. Carpio: "Grand Theft of the Global Commons"
Antony Blinken: Speech on Transatlantic Cooperation at the Hertie School
Antony Blinken: 2015 Brookings Institute Address on Central Asia
Antony Blinken: First Speech to Staff as U.S. Secretary of State
Antony Blinken: First Press Briefing as U.S. Secretary of State
Antony Blinken: "A Foreign Policy for the American People"
Antony Blinken: Joint Press Statement with Benjamin Netanyahu
Antony Blinken: Address to the National Security Commission
Antony Blinken: Press Briefing on the Ongoing Evacuation Efforts in Afghanistan
Antony Blinken: On Concluding the Withdrawal from Afghanistan
Antony Blinken: Statement to Congress on Afghanistan Evacuation After Kabul Airport Atttack
Antony Blinken: Remarks on the Passing of Colin Powell
Antony Blinken: Address at Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Antony Blinken: Address on the Modernization of American Diplomacy
Antony Blinken: Press Conference with Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba
Antony Blinken: Remarks to the Press Following Dec 2021 NATO Ministerial
Antony Blinken: Address in Berlin on Russian Aggression Against Ukraine
Antony Blinken: UN Security Council Address on Russia's Imminent Threat to Peace in Ukraine
Antony Blinken: Presser with Dmytro Kuleba on Russian Incursion into Ukraine
Antony Blinken: Berlin Press Conference on NATO Support of Ukraine
Antony Blinken: China Policy Address at The George Washington University
Antony Blinken: Second Berlin Press Conference on Russia-Ukraine War
Antony Blinken: UN Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 10th Review
Antony Blinken: Press Conference with Foreign Secretary Enrique Manalo (Philippines)
Antony Blinken: UN Security Council Remarks on Ukrainian Sovereignty
Antony Blinken: Press Availability with President Gustavo Petro (Colombia)
Antony Blinken: Address to the Organization of American States
Antony Blinken: Signing Ceremony for U.S.-Japan Space Cooperation Agreement
Antony Blinken: Post Meeting Press Remarks in Jerusalem with Benjamin Netanyahu
Antony Blinken: Press Conference in Jerusalem
Antony Blinken: Remarks at a Moderated Panel at the Munich Security Conference
Antony Blinken: Remarks to the Press at Incirlik Air Base
Antony Blinken: UNSC Remarks on One Year Anniversary of Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Antony Blinken: Post G7 Press Conference in New Delhi
Antony Blinken: In Gratitude to State for Welcoming Political Prisoners from Nicaragua
Antony Blinken: Presser Following Meeting with President of China
Antony Blinken: Remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations
Antony Blinken: On the Release and Recovery of U.S. Citizens Unjustly Held in Iran
Antony Blinken: Remarks to the Press with PM Netanyahu on the Israel-Hamas War
Antony Blinken: Press Conference in Tel Aviv (12 October 2023)
Antony Blinken: Announcement of President Biden's Visit to Israel
Antony Blinken: UNSC Security Council Address on Israel-Hamas War
Antony Blinken: Press Conference in Tel Aviv (3 Nov 2023)
Antony Blinken: Joint Press Conference with Egyptian FM Shoukry and Jordanian DPM/FM Safadi
Antony Blinken: Tokyo Press Conference
Antony Blinken: Presser with FM Cameron on Ukraine and the Middle East
Antony Blinken: 2023 End of Year Presser
Antony Blinken: Press Conference in Tel Aviv (9 Jan 2024)
Antony Blinken: Joint Presser with Jens Stoltenberg Following Fatal Drone Attack in Jordan
Antony Blinken: Press Conference in Doha with the Prime Minister of Qatar
Antony Blinken: Press Conference in Tel Aviv (7 Feb 2024)
Antony Blinken: Panel Remarks at the 2024 Munich Security Conference
Antony Blinken: Joint Presser with Argentina Foreign Minister Diana Mondino
Antony Blinken: Remarks with Sweden PM Kristersson at NATO Accession Ceremony
Antony Blinken: 2024 Summit for Democracy Address in Seoul
Antony Blinken: Joint Presser with France FM Stéphane Séjourné
Antony Blinken: Amman Presser on Humanitarian Aid Developments in the Gaza Strip
Antony Blinken: Ashdod Presser on Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Proposal Developments
Antony Blinken: McCain Institute's Sedona Forum Discussion with Mitt Romney
Antony Blinken: 2024 RSA Conference Address
Antony Blinken: "On a Free, Prosperous, and Secure Future for Ukraine"
Antony Blinken: Opening Remarks to House Foreign Affairs Committee on the FY25 Budget Request
Antony Blinken: Press Remarks in Tel Aviv on Gaza Ceasefire Proposal
Antony Blinken: Remarks at the “Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” Conference
Antony Blinken: Discussion Remarks at the 2024 NATO Public Forum
Antony Blinken: Press Conference in Tel Aviv on Israel-Hamas Peace Negotiations
Antony Blinken: Press Conference in Doha on Israel-Hamas Peace Negotiations
Antony Blinken: Press Conference in Haiti
Antony Blinken: Joint Presser with UK Foreign Minister David Lammy
Antony Blinken: United Nations Security Council Address on Russia's War in Ukraine
Antony Blinken: NATO Press Briefing on Continuing U.S. Aid Efforts in Ukraine
Antony Blinken: Joint Press Remarks with Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yulh
Antony Blinken: Farewell Remarks to U.S. Department of State Employees
Antonin Scalia: Senate Judiciary Nomination Hearings Transcript
Antonin Scalia: On American Exceptionalism
Antonin Scalia: Antonin Scalia: On the Religion Clauses of the U.S. Constitution
Apollo 11 Moon Landing
Arlene Foster and Daniel Moylan: House of Lords Remarks on Christians and Persecution
Arlen Specter: Final Senate Floor (Farewell) Speech
Army-McCarthy Hearings: "No Sense of Decency"
Arnold Schwarzenegger: California Gubernatorial Victory Speech
Arnold Schwarzenegger: 2004 RNC Address
Arnold Schwarzenegger: UN Speech on Climate Change
Arnold Schwarzenegger: 2008 State of the State Address
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Message to the Russian People
Arthur James Balfour: The Balfour Declaration
Arthur Coviello: RSA 2014 Keynote Address
Arthur Vandenberg: Cleveland Foreign Affairs Forum Address
Artifacts from National Public Radio ("Lost & Found" Collection)
Art Monk: Pro Football Hall of Fame Induction Speech
Art Monk: Pro Football Hall of Fame Induction Speech
Arundhati Roy: Come September Lecture
Ashleigh Banfield: Landon Lecture at Kansas State University
Ashraf Ghani: Address to a Joint Meeting of the U.S. Congress
Ashton Carter: "Defense Spending in an Era of Constrained Budgets"
Ashton Carter: "All Hands" Meeting Address
Ashton Carter: Drell Lecture at Stanford University
Ashton Carter: Worldwide Troop Talk Defense Media Activity
Ashton Carter: SASC Statement on Counter-ISIL Strategy
Ashton Carter: On Opening Roles for Women in the Military
Ashton Carter: On California National Guard Reenlistment Bonuses
Ashton Kutcher: On Ending Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Attallah Shabazz: Remarks at Coretta Scott King Funeral
Augustine: Selected New Testament Sermons
Augustine: Confessions
Aung San Suu Kyi: Nobel Prize Lecture
Aung San Suu Kyi: Congressional Gold Medal Acceptance
Aung San Suu Kyi: Press Conference with President Barack Obama
Aung San Suu Kyi: Address to the International Court of Justice
Australian Parliament speeches
Authentic History Center
Avigdor Lieberman: Speech to the United Nations General Assembly
A.W. Tozer
A.W. Tozer: "The Holy Spirit and the Christian Witness"
Babe Ruth: Hall of Fame Induction Speech
Babe Ruth: Farewell to Baseball Address
Barack Obama 450+ speeches
Barack Obama: Archived Presidential Web Site
Barbara Bush: Wellesley College Commencement Address
Barbara Charline Jordan: Statement on the Articles of Impeachment
Barbara Charline Jordan: 1976 DNC Keynote Address
Barbara Charline Jordan: 1992 DNC Keynote Address
Barbara Charline Jordan: Sylvanus Thayer Award Acceptance Address
Barbara Lee: USHOR Floor Statement Opposing Military Force in Afghanistan
Barry Bonds: Address to Fans After Historic Home Run #756
Barry Goldwater: Speech Accepting the Republican Nomination
Baz Luhrmann: Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)
Benazir Bhutto: Address to a Joint Meeting of he U.S. Congress
Ben Bernanke: Speech to the Economic Club of New York
Ben Bernanke: First Press Conference Opening Statement
Ben Bernanke: Statement on the Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy
Ben Carson: Address at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast
Ben Goldacre: How Doctors Are Mislead About the Drugs They Prescribe
Benigno S. Aquino III: Presidential Addresses
Benigno S. Aquino III: Before a Joint Session of the National Diet of Japan
Benjamin Franklin: 1787 Constitutional Convention Speech
Benjamin Franklin: Constitutional Convention Address on Prayer
Benjamin Franklin: 1789 Address to the Public
Benjamin Netanyahu: First Address to a Joint Session of Congress
Benjamin Netanyahu: To the U.S. Government Reform Committee
Benjamin Netanyahu: Address to the U.S. Senate
Benjamin Netanyahu: 2009 Speech to the UN General Assembly
Benjamin Netanyahu: 2010 to AIPAC Conference
Benjamin Netanyahu: Second Address to a Joint Session of Congress
Benjamin Netanyahu: 2011 Speech to the UN General Assembly
Benjamin Netanyahu: 2012 Speech to the UN General Assembly
Benjamin Netanyahu: Third Address to a Joint Session of Congress
Benjamin Netanyahu: Response to Secretary Kerry's Two-State Solution Speech
Benjamin Netanyahu: US Embassy in Jerusalem Dedication Speech
Benjamin Netanyahu: Abraham Accords Signing Ceremony Address
Benjamin Netanyahu: Address on the Israel-UAE Normalization Agreement
Benjamin Netanyahu: Address to the Nation on Suspension of Judicial Reform
Benjamin Netanyahu: Remarks to the Press with SecState Antony Blinken on Israel-Hamas War
Benjamin Netanyahu: Remarks Following the Decision of the International Court of Justice
Benjamin Netanyahu: Address to the Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Benjamin Netanyahu: Address to the Nation Following the Killing of Fuad Shukr
Benjamin Netanyahu: Address to the People of Iran
Benjamin Netanyahu: Address to the People of Lebanon
Benjamin Netanyahu: On a Prospective Ceasefire Agreement Between Israel and Hezbollah
Benjamin Shapiro: Opening Statement to Congress on Brand Control of Online Speech
Bennie Thompson: Res. 1241 House Floor Speech on DeCarol Davis
Berklee School of Music Commencement speeches (YouTube)
Betrand Russell: Why I Am Not a Christian
Betsy DeVos: Remarks on Title IX Regulatory Changes
Betty Ford: Address to an American Cancer Society Awards Dinner
Bill Cassidy Et Al: Letter to CEO Katherine Maher on NPR's Culture and Viewpoint Homogeneity
Bill Cosby: To the NAACP on the 50th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education
Bill de Blasio: On Grand Jury Decision re Eric Garner Death
Bill Gates and Melinda Gates Foundation speeches (various)
Bill Lee: Video Address Following the Tragic Covenant School Shootings
The U.S. Bill of Rights at the National Archives
Rev. Billy Graham: Eulogy for Richard M. Nixon
Rev. Billy Graham: Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Prayer Service Address
Billy Sunday Sermons
Billy Sunday: "Booze"
Billy Sunday: "Booze" (excerpt)
Billy Sunday: "Backsliding"
Billy Sunday: "He That Winneth Souls is Wise"
Billy Sunday: "That Old Time Religion"
Bindi Irwin: Eulogy for Father
Bob Barr: Declaration of Candidacy for U.S. Presidency - Libertarian Party
Bobby Jindal: Louisiana Gubernatorial Election Victory Speech
Bobby Jindal: First Louisiana Gubernatorial Inaugural Address
Bobby Jindal: Second Louisiana Gubernatorial Inaugural Address
Bob Costas: Eulogy for Stan Musial
Bob Goodlatte et al: On the Filipino Veterans Family Reunification Act
Bono: 2001 Harvard University Class Day Address
Bono: American Ireland Fund's Humanitarian Award Acceptance Address
Bono: Commencement Address at the University of Pennsylvania
Bono: Keynote Address at the 54th National Prayer Breakfast
Booker T. Washington: Address at the Cotton States and International Exposition
Booker T. Washington: “Democracy and Education”
Boris Johnson: Saturday Parliament Address on Brexit
Boris Johnson: Downing Street Address Following 2019 General Election
Boris Johnson: Pre-Recorded Address to the Nation on Leaving the EU
Boris Johnson: Announcing Kingdom-Wide Lockdown to Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19
Boris Johnson: First Downing Street Statement After Recovering from COVID-19
Boris Johnson: Address to the Nation on New COVID-19 Restrictions COVID-19
Boris Johnson: Post Brexit Address on Historic UK-EU Free Trade Deal
Boris Johnson: House of Commons Debate on Afghanistan
Boris Johnson: Address to the House of Commons on Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
Boris Johnson: Address to the Parliament of Ukraine
Boris Johnson: Conservative Party Leadership Resignation Address
Brett Kavanaugh: U.S. Supreme Court Nomination Acceptance Speech
Brett Kavanaugh: U.S. Supreme Court Swearing-In Ceremony Address
Brian Hastings: On the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol Relief Support for Hurricane Laura
Brian Hook: State Department Briefing on Iran's Weapons Violations
Brian Hook: State Department Briefing on Iran
Brian Mulroney: Memorial Remarks for Ronald Reagan
Brian Mulroney: Memorial Remarks for George H.W. Bush
Brian Williams: NBC News Final Signoff
Brianna Pinto: FIFA World Cup 2026 'United Bid' Address
Brigham Young University: Devotional speeches
Brooksley Born: JFK Profiles in Courage Award Acceptance Address
Bruce Campbell: 2014 Independence Day Message
Bruce Springsteen: Remarks at Vote for Change Rally on the Ben Franklin Parkway
John Jordan "Buck" O'Neil: National Baseball Hall of Fame Address
Burgess Owens: Statement to Congress on Slavery Reparations in the U.S.
Bush v. Gore: United States Supreme Court Oral Arguments
CALISPHERE: Digital Archives (keyword "speech")
Cal Ripken, Jr: Farewell to Baseball
Calvary Chapel Podcasts
Calvin Coolidge: Second Presidential Inaugural Address
Calvin Coolidge: Speech on Taxes, Liberty, and the Philosophy of Government
Carl Schramm: Commencement Address at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Caroline Kennedy: Address at the National Press Club of Japan
Carrie Chapman Catt: "The Crisis"
Carrie Chapman Catt: Address to the Congress on Women's Suffrage
Catherine Wheeler: Address at the 2025 National March for Life Rally
Cato Institute Events Archive
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Cesar E. Chavez: The Mexican-American and the Church
Cesar E. Chavez: Address to the Commonwealth Club of California
Chaim Herzog: UN Address on Resolution 3379 (Zionism vs. Racism)
Father Charles Coughlin: Radio Archive (as preserved at the Internet Archive)
Father Charles Coughlin: "Roosevelt or Ruin"
Charles Edward Maurice Spencer: Eulogy for Princess Diana
Charles Spurgeon Sermons
Charles Q. Brown: Remarks on Civil Unrest in the U.S.
Charles Q. Brown: USAF Chief of Staff Change of Command Ceremony Address
Charles Sumner: On the Crime Against Kansas
Charles Sumner: Eulogy for Abraham Lincoln
Charles W. Colson: Geneva Commencement Address
Charlton Heston: "Winning the Cultural War"
Cher: Eulogy for Sonny Bono
Chief Buckongahelas Address to Christians at Gnadenhutten
Chief Canasatego: On Colonizing Education
Chief Joseph: Surrender Speech
Chief Logan: Lament
Chief Powhatan: Address to Captain John Smith
Chief Pushmataha: Response to Chief Tecumseh
Chief Red Cloud: Address at Cooper Union Institute
Chief Red Eagle: Address to General Andrew Jackson
Chief Red Jacket: Address to the Iroquois Nation
Chief Tecumseh: Address to General Henry Harrison
Chip Roy: House Floor Speech on the Texas Border Crisis
Chris Dodd: Senate Speech on Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
Christopher Patten: Hong Kong Handover Ceremony Address
Chris Pratt: MTV Generation Award Acceptance Address
Chris Smith: Floor Speech on Goldman US-Brazil Custody Case
Christian Apologetics: Institute for Creation Research
Christian Apologetic Debate: Fernandes vs. Martin
Christine O'Donnell: Delaware Senate Primary Victory Speech
Christopher Reeve: 1996 DNC Address
Christopher Stevens: State Department Briefing on Libya
Christopher J. Waller: AEI Address on a Central Bank Digital Currency
Christopher Wray: Hudson Institute Address on China
Christopher Wray: 9/11 20th Anniversary Remembrance Address
Christopher Wray: Address to London Business Leaders on China
Christopher Wray: Statement to Congress on FISA's Section 702
Christopher Wray: FBI PSA on Scams and Frauds
Christopher Wray: Resignation Address at an FBI Employee-Wide Town Hall
Chuck Hagel: First Pentagon Speech as Secretary of Defense
Chuck Hagel: Missile Defense Announcement and North Korea
Chuck Hagel: Manama Dialogue, Bahrain Speech
Chuck Schumer: Senate Floor Speech on U.S. Government Shut Down
(Pastor) Chuck Smith: Audio Sermon Index
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Civil Rights Act of 1964: Library of Congress Timeline Display
Civil Rights Digital Library
Clare Boothe Luce Center speeches
Clarence Darrow: "Mercy for Leopold and Loeb"
Classical Orators (Perseus Project)
Clarence Thomas: Senate Confirmation Hearing Statement
Clarence Thomas: "Be Not Afraid"
Clarence Thomas: "The New Intolerance"
Clarence Thomas: Scripture Reading at Antonin Scalia Funeral
Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo: Presidential Inauguration Address
Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo: First International Women's Day Address as President of Mexico
Clint Eastwood: Halftime in America Ad for Chrysler
Coleman Hughes: Statement to Congress on Reparations for Slavery
Colin Powell: Military Retirement Speech
Colin Powell: 9/11 Address to the Organization of American States
Colin Powell: McConnell Center Address on Arab-Israeli Conflict
Colin Powell: CNN Interview on Anti-Terrorism Campaign
Colin Powell: U. N. Security Council Address of 5 Feb 2003
Colin Powell: Statement to Congress on Genocide in Darfur
Colin Powell: Final NATO Presser as U.S. Secretary of State
Colin Powell: U.S. Diplomacy Center Ceremony Address
Colombia 2016: A Visual Rhetoric in Still and Moving Images
Commonwealth Club of California
Condoleezza Rice: 2002 Rostov Lecture on Terrorism and Foreign Policy
Condoleezza Rice: 2002 Wriston Lecture on National Security
Condoleezza Rice: Opening Statement to the 9/11 Commission
Condoleezza Rice: World Economic Forum Keynote Address
Condoleezza Rice: Address to the German Marshall Fund
Condoleezza Rice: 2012 RNC Speech
Corazon Aquino: Speech to a Joint Session of Congress Address
Cordell Hull: "What America Is Fighting For" Address to the Nation
Coretta Scott King: The 10 Commandments of Vietnam
Corinne Roosevelt Robinson: "Safeguard America!"
Council on Foreign Relations Lectureship Series
Council on Foreign Relations Symposia
C.S. Lewis: BBC Radio Talk -- "Beyond Personality"
Cyril Ramaphosa: Address to the Nation on Novel Coronavirus Measures
Dabrina Bet-Tamraz: United Nations Speech on Religious Freedom
Dale Bumpers: Closing Arguments at President Clinton Impeachment Trial
Dalton Sherman: Dallas ISD Back to School Convocation Keynote
Dan Butler: Open Source Intelligence Speech at the National Press Club
Dan Coats: 2019 Threat Assessment Statement to Congress
Dan Farmer: 1997 Statement to Congress on Computer Security
Dan Geer: 1997 Statement to Congress on Computer Security
Dan Geer: 2014 USA Black Hat Conference Keynote
Dan Geer: 2014 USA Black Hat Conference Keynote
Daniel Hagari: Statement Announcing Israel's Article 40(a) Declaration of War Against Hamas
Daniel Hagari: After Action Report on the Strike at al-Ahli Ma'amadani Hospital
Daniel Hagari: Press Briefing on Initial Strikes Against Hezbollah in Lebanon
Dan Hicks and Rowdy Gaines: Call of Jason Lezak's Olympic 4x100 Relay
Dan Kildee: Statement to Congress on Flint Drinking Water Crisis
Daniel Noboa Azín: Presidential Inaugural Address
Daniel Patrick Moynihan: Against United Nations Resolution 3379
Daniel Webster: Plymouth Oration (Abridged)
Daniel Webster: Plymouth Oration (Unabridged)
Dannel Malloy: Televised Address on Newtown, CT Shooting Tragedy
Danny Glover: Statement to Congress On Reparations for Slavery
Dan Rather: CBS Evening News Signoff
David Ben-Gurion: Reading of Israel Declaration of Independence (Hebrew w/ English Subs)
David Ben-Gurion: Reading of Israel Declaration of Independence (Hebrew)
David Bellavia: Hall of Heroes Induction Speech
David Calhoun: Opening Statement to Congress on Boeing Safety Culture
David Cameron: First Speech as Prime Minister
David Cameron: Resignation Speech
David Cicilline: Big Tech Antitrust Hearing Opening Statement
David Ferriero: 2012 Wikimania Address
David Friedman: Remarks Before Flight LY973 from Israel to Bahrain
David Goldman: Statement on Sean Goldman Custody Dispute
David A. Hoekema: "Celebrating Our Ignorance"
David McCullough: Wellesley High School Commencement Speech
(Gen.) David McKiernan: Memorial Day Speech at Camp Eggers
David Ogden: U.S.-Mexico Border Security Policy Announcement
David W. Panuelo: Address to the 75th United Nations General Assembly
(Gen.) David Petraeus: Opening Statement to Congress on Iraq
(Gen.) David Petraeus: Days of Remembrance Address
(Gen.) David Petraeus: Speech to the 45th Munich Security Conference
(Gen.) David Petraeus: Landon Lecture at Kansas State University
(Gen.) David Petraeus: Opening Statement at ISAF Confirmation
(Gen.) David Petraeus: Military Farewell Retirement Speech
(Gen.) David Petraeus: Honoring Military Veterans at USC ROTC Dinner
David Pressman: Address at Central European University on Hungary's Accession to NATO
David Scheffer: Address to Congress on the Creation of the International Criminal Court
David Shulkin: White House Veterans Affairs Presser
David Stern: Press Conference on Pacer-Piston Player Suspensions
DeCarol Davis: US Coast Guard Academy Cadet Commencement Speech
The Declaration of Independence
(Sister) Deirdre Byrne: Republican National Convention Address
Delia Garza: Press Statement on UT Austin Protester Arrests
Democracy Now!
Democratic National Convention 2004 Bloopers
Dennis Muilenburg: Statement to Congress on Boeing 737 MAX Safety
Denzel Washington: 2002 Oscar Award Acceptance Address
Dewey Bozella: ESPY Award Acceptance Addres
Dianne Feinstein: Remarks at the 2009 Presidential Inauguration
Dianne Feinstein: Senate Floor Speech on Alleged CIA Tampering
Dick Cheney: Speeches and News Releases as U.S. Vice President
Dick Cheney: 103rd Meeting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
Dick Cheney: 2004 RNC Address
Dick Cheney: Address to Troops at Bagram Air Base
Dick Clark: Daytime Emmy Lifetime Achievement Award
Dick Gregory: Speech at St. John's Baptist Church
Dmitry Medvedev: Presidential Inaugural Address
Donald Hooton: Statement to Congress on Steroid Use in Baseball
Donald J. Trump: Archived Presidential Web Site
Donald J. Trump: YouTube Archived speeches
Donald J. Trump: President-Elect Victory Address
Donald J. Trump: First Presidential Inaugural Address
Donald J. Trump: First Address to a Joint Session of Congress
Donald J. Trump: Syria Missile Strike Address to the Nation
Donald J. Trump: Liberty University Commencement Address
Donald J. Trump: Arab Islamic America Summit Address
Donald J. Trump: Remarks at Ben-Gurion Airport
Donald J. Trump: Joint Press Remarks with PM Benjamin Netanyahu
Donald J. Trump: NATO 9/11 and Berlin Wall Memorials Address
Donald J. Trump: Paris Climate Accord Address
Donald J. Trump: Address to the People of Poland
Donald J. Trump: Address to the Nation on Afghanistan
Donald J. Trump: United Nations 72nd General Assembly Address
Donald J. Trump: Republic of Korea National Assembly Address
Donald J. Trump: Statement on Jerusalem
Donald J. Trump: National Security Strategy Address
Donald J. Trump: First State of the Union Address
Donald J. Trump: Bilateral NATO Breakfast Meeting Remarks
Donald J. Trump: Helsinki Press Conference
Donald J. Trump: Speech On Violating the Iran Accord
Donald J. Trump: United Nations 73rd General Assembly Address
Donald J. Trump: Oval Office Speech on Border Security
Donald J. Trump: On Immigration Deal to End Government Shutdown
Donald J. Trump: Rose Garden Address on Ending Government Shutdown
Donald J. Trump: Second State of the Union Address
Donald J. Trump: 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund Bill Signing
Donald J. Trump: United Nations 74th General Assembly Address
Donald J. Trump: New York City Veterans Day Parade Speech
Donald J. Trump: On the Killing of Qasem Soleimani
Donald J. Trump: Address on Iran's Retaliatory Missile Attacks
Donald J. Trump: 47th Annual March for Life Address
Donald J. Trump: Third State of the Union Address
Donald J. Trump: Address to the Nation on the Novel Coronavirus
Donald J. Trump: On WHO Withdrawal and U.S.-China Relations
Donald J. Trump: Address at Mount Rushmore
Donald J. Trump: COVID-19 Presser on 07-21-20
Donald J. Trump: Address to the 75th Session of the UN General Assembly
Donald J. Trump: Presidential Departure Ceremony Speech
Donald J. Trump: Second Presidential Inaugural Address
Donald J. Trump: Joint Press Remarks with India PM Narendra Modi
Donald J. Trump: 2025 Address to a Joint Session of Congress
Donald Rumsfeld: 10 September 2001 Remarks on Transforming Pentagon Bureaucracy
Donald Rumsfeld: 9/11 DOD Press Briefing at the Pentagon
Donald Rumsfeld: Presser on 9/11 and Classified Data Leaks
Donald Rumsfeld: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
Donald Rumsfeld: Pentagon Memorial Groundbreaking Address
Donald Rumsfeld: Senate Statement on the Law of the Sea Treaty
Doris Haddock: Address to the 1999 Reform Party Convention
Doug Hurley: Remarks During the SpaceX to ISS Welcoming Ceremony
Douglas MacArthur: Japanese Surrender Ceremony Speech
Douglas MacArthur: Post Japanese Surrender Ceremony Radio Address
Douglas MacArthur: Farewell Address to Congres
Douglas MacArthur: "Duty, Honor, Country"
Douglas Shulman: Address to the National Press Club
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: LSU 2020 Championship Pregame Hype
Dwight D. Eisenhower: D-Day Pre-invasion Address to Soldiers
Dwight D. Eisenhower: First Presidential Inaugural Address
Dwight D. Eisenhower: "Cross of Iron" Address
Dwight D. Eisenhower: "Atoms for Peace"
Dwight D. Eisenhower: On Desegregation in Little Rock
Dwight D. Eisenhower: On the Future of U.S. National Security
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Farewell Address
Dwight L. Moody: The Beatitudes (rare audio excerpt)
Earl Campbell: Remarks at Campbell Field Dedication Ceremony
Earl Spencer: Eulogy for Princess Diana of Wales
Earl Warren: Eulogy for John F. Kennedy
EarthStation1 (free and for pay archive of sensational media events)
Edi Rama: Statement on the Adoption of the United Nations Pact for the Future
Edmund Burke: On the Death of Marie Antoinette
Edmund Burke: Speech in Commons on India
Edmund Burke: Speech on Conciliation with America
King Edward VIII: Abdication Speech
Edward Everett: Gettysburg Address
Edward (Ted) M. Kennedy: Eulogy for Robert F. Kennedy
Edward (Ted) M. Kennedy: "Chappaquiddick"
Edward (Ted) Kennedy: 1980 DNC Address
Edward (Ted) M. Kennedy: Truth & Tolerance in America
Edward (Ted) M. Kennedy: Eulogy for Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Edward (Ted) M. Kennedy: Eulogy for John F. Kennedy, Jr.
Edward (Ted) M. Kennedy: 2008 Democratic National Convention Speech
Edward (Ted) Kennedy, Jr: Eulogy for Ted Kennedy Sr.
Edward R. Murrow: CBS Broadcast -- "Orchestrated Hell"
Edward R. Murrow: Response to McCarthy on "See It Now"
Edward R. Murrow: Radio-Television News Directors Association
Edwin Meese III: Federalist Society Speech on Originalism
Elena Kagan: Speech On Being Nominated USSC Justice
Elena Kagan: Statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee
Eleanor Roosevelt: "The Struggle for Human Rights"
Eleanor Roosevelt: Adoption of the Human Rights Declaration
Eleanor Roosevelt: Reading of the Declaration of Human Rights
Elie Wiesel: Nobel Lecture
Elie Wiesel: "The Perils of Indifference"
Elie Wiesel: Holocaust History Museum Dedication Remarks
Elie Wiesel: Speech at Buchenwald Concentration Camp
Elizabeth Cady Stanton: "The Destructive Male"
Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Seneca Falls Declaration of 1848
Elizabeth Dobson: Fixing Subconscious Racism (TEDx)
Elizabeth Glaser: 1992 DNC Address
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: Statement at the Smith Act Trial
Elizabeth Warren: Senate Floor Speech on Citigroup
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf: Address to the U.S. Congress
Elliott Abrams: First State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Second State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Third State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Fourth State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Fifth State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Sixth State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Seventh State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Eighth State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: OAS Press Remarks on International Crimes in Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Nineth State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Tenth State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Eleventh State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Twelfth State Department Briefing on Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: State Department Briefing on Rosneft and Venezuela
Elliott Abrams: Opening Statement to the Senate Foreign Relations Comte
Elliott Abrams: Complete Verbal Testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Comte
Emma Goldman: Address to the Jury
Emma Watson: United Nations Speech on Gender Equality
Emmanuel Macron: Speech to Americans on Paris Climate Agreement
Emmanuel Macron: Speech to a Joint Meeting of the U.S. Congress
Emmanuel Macron: Closing Address to the 2023 GLOBSEC Summit
Emmerson Mnangagwa: Presidential Inaugural Address
Emperor Akihito: Be Hopeful Speech to the Nation
Emperor Akihito: Personal Health and Constitutional Duty
Emperor Naruhito: Accession to the Throne Address
Enda Kenny: White House St. Patrick's Day Reception Speech
Eric Holder: DOJ African American History Program Address
Eric Holder: Announces Civilian Court Venue for 9/11 Suspects
Eric Holder: Speech at the Martin Luther King Commemoration
Eric Holder: Press Conference on Organized Crime Arrests
Eric Holder: Announces Military Court Venue for 9/11 Suspects
Eric Holder: Opening Statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee
Eric Holder: Statement on Alleged Iranian Assassination Plot
Eric Holder: Voter Registration & Voting Rights Speech at LBJ Library
Eric Holder: Northwestern University Law School Address
Eric Holder: PSA on Teen Solitary Confinement
Eric Holder: Resignation Announcement Address
Eric Holder: Report on DOJ's Two Ferguson PD Investigations
Erick Dittus: Eulogy for Stetson Kennedy
Ernest Hemingway: Nobel Prize for Literature Banquet Speech
Ernest Hemingway: Nobel Prize for Literature Banquet Speech
Eugene Cernan: Eulogy for Neil Armstrong
Eugene Debs: 1918 Statement to the Court
Evel Knievel: Testimony of Faith at the Crystal Cathedral
Everett M. Dirksen: Senate Speech on Civil Rights
Everett M. Dirksen: Final Senate Speech on the Civil Rights Bill
Everett M. Dirksen: RNC Nomination of Barry Goldwater
Ezra Cohen-Watnick: On Special Ops Command Structure Change
Fadi Chehade: ICANN 51 Opening Ceremony Speech
Famous Trials
Fannie Lou Hamer: Testimony Before the Credentials Committee
Fatima Payman: First Speech as MP to the Senate of Australia
Feminist.com (speeches by topic)
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Presidential speeches
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Presidential Inaugural Address
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: First State of the Nation Address
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: 77th Session of the UN General Assembly
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Press Remarks Prior to State Visit to China
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Press Remarks Following State Visit to China
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Water Philippines Conference and Expo Speech
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: 2023 Day of Valor Address
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Address to a CSIS ASEAN Leadership Forum
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Address to the Asia-Pacific Center for Security
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Address to the Parliament of Australia
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Address on Manila International Airport Reconstruction Agreement
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Keynote Address and Q&A at the 2024 IISS Shangri-La Dialogue
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Remarks on Signing the Philippine Maritime Zones and Sea Lanes Acts
Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos, Jr: Press Conference on the ICC Warranted Arrest of Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Fernando Egana: Interview with Roy Carson on Venezuelan Economy and Politics
Fidel Castro speeches (The University of Texas)
Fiona Hill: Opening Statement to the House Intel Committee
Forest Whitaker: Oscar Acceptance for Best Leading Actor
Francis Collins: Charlie Rose Interview on Faith and Science
Francis Collins: The Language of God (The Veritas Forum, 2008)
Francis Collins: Genbank 25th Anniversary Address
Francis Collins: The Genome Era - What It Means To You
Francis Collins: PGH 146-A 400 - Global Health Initiatives
Francois Hollande: Awarding the Legion of Honour to Thayls Train Heroes (English)
Francois Hollande: Sur la Légion d'Honneur des Héros de Thalys
Francois Hollande: Paris Terrorist Attacks Speech to the Nation (English)
Francois Hollande: Nice Terrorist Attack Speech to the Nation (English)
Francis Tolentino: Senate Remarks on New China Coast Guard Law
Francis Tolentino: On China Exchange Program for Filipino Military Personnel
Frank Abagnale: National Automobile Dealers Convention Address
Franklin Delano Roosevelt speeches
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Radio Campaign Speech on Social Justice
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Commonwealth Club Address
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: First Presidential Inaugural Address
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: First Fireside Chat
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Social Security Act Signing Speech
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: "The Great Arsenal of Democracy"
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The Four Freedoms
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: On U.S. Involvement in the War in Europe
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Pearl Harbor Address
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Fireside Chat 28 - State of the Union
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: D-Day Prayer Radio Address
Franklin Graham: Remarks at the Memorial Service for Jerry Falwell
Frank Sinatra: Movie Speech from "The House I Live In"
Frank Zappa: Senate Opening Statement on Rock Music Lyrics
Frederick Douglass: "What to the Slave is the 4th of July?"
Frederick Douglass: "The Hypocrisy of American Slavery"
Fred Rogers: Senate Testimony on PBS Funding
Fred Rogers: Lifetime Achievement Emmy Award Acceptance Speech
Fred Thompson: Senate Floor Speech on 9/11 Tragedy
Fred Thompson: GOP Presidential Candidacy Announcement
Fred Thompson: 2008 Republican National Convention Speech
Fumio Kishida: Address at Johns Hopkins University
Fumio Kishida: Official Govt Statement on the Death of Shinzō Abe (English and Japanese transcripts)
Fumio Kishida: Official Govt Statement on the Death of Shinzō Abe (English and Japanese transcripts)
Fumio Kishida: Speech to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference
Fumio Kishida: Address to the New York Stock Exchange
Fumio Kishida: Remarks at the State Funeral for Abe Shinzo (English and Japanese transcripts)
Fumio Kishida: Statement on New National Defense Strategy & Defense Buildup
Fumio Kishida: Address to the Indian Council for World Affairs
Fumio Kishida: Address to a Joint Session of the Philippines Congress
Fumio Kishida: Address to a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress