Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani

El Al Flight 973 Airport Arrival Ceremony Address

delivered 18 October 2020, Muharraq Island, Bahrain

Audio mp3 of Address


[AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio]

Your Excellencies, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, National Security Advisor Ben- Shabbat, ladies and gentlemen:

It is my pleasure to welcome to the Kingdom of Bahrain the delegations from the United States of America, and the State of Israel. Secretary Mnuchin, Mr. Ben-Shabbat, Mr. Avi Berkowitz: [in Arabic]

Today, we build on that historic occasion at the White House last month, taking the next steps to implement the declaration in support of peace and the Abraham Accords. We do so in [the] conviction that this approach of
engagement and cooperation is the most effective, the most sustainable means to bring about a genuine and lasting peace, one which safeguards the rise of the Middle East's peoples. And we do so with the optimism that such a peace will bring a new stability and prosperity to the region, allowing our young people across the Middle East to achieve the potential and aspirations which they have been denied for too long.

Excellencies, today we put in place the foundations through which we can reach this goal, establishing a practical framework to advance both our bilateral cooperation and our ongoing partnership our countries enjoy with the United States of America.

My hope is that this visit marks another step forward on the road to a truly peaceful, secure, stable, and thriving Middle East, one in which all states, races, and faiths resolve differences through dialogue -- and develop for our children a new reality of coexistence and prosperity.

This is a historic visit and I want to thank you both for being here today. In doing so, may I also express deep appreciation to His Majesty [King] Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, whose unflinching commitment to peace, dialogue, and cooperation has helped bring us to this point where we can now genuinely see a realistic alternative to the decades of division and conflict that have plagued the region.

I also want to extend thanks to the U.S. Administration, under the leadership of President Trump, for engaging so effectively and actively with all parties; and to the Government of Israel, under the leadership of Prime Minister Netanyahu, for recognizing this unique opportunity to take the Middle East forward.

I look forward to working with you to realize this vision.

Thank you.

Original Audio and Video Source: DVIDShub.net

Original Image Source: Wikimedia.org

Video Note: The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

Page Created: 10/25/20

U.S. Copyright Status: Text  = Uncertain. Audio = Property of AmericanRhetoric.com. Video = Public domain (with use subject to these terms). Image = Public domain.
































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