Ambassador David Friedman Remarks Prior to El Al Flight 973 from Israel to Bahrain delivered 18 October 2020, Ben Gurion Airport, Central District, Israel
[AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio] It's my pleasure to welcome to Israel the American delegation led by Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Special Envoy Avi Berkowitz. I think it's beyond debate that no Treasury Secretary has done more for Israel's safety, security, and prosperity than Secretary Mnuchin who has been here many times before. Welcome, Mr. Secretary. Thank you for honoring us here again. We're here in the land of Abraham to take the next step on the Abraham Accords. As you all know, Abraham gave birth to two great nations -- many nations -- but the Jewish nation and the Arab nation. Those nations were -- were rivals but as we all know from the book of Genesis they reconciled some 35 years -- 3500 years ago.1 Today, we're bringing the Bible back to life. The children of Isaac and the children of Ishmael are reconciling once again in this Holy Land, and in Bahrain, and in the United Arab Emirates as well. It's another historic day, among many historic days, that the Trump Administration has brought to this region. And again, welcome Mr. Secretary. Welcome Special Envoy Berkowitz. Thank you for being here.
1 Relevant are the reconciliations between Isaac and Ishmael in Genesis 25:9 (and commentaries) and between Esau and Jacob in Genesis chapter 33 (and commentaries) Original Audio and Video Sourcee:
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