Heads of state and former heads of state, former Vice President...ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends,
I feel deeply humbled by the decision of my party,
inviting me to serve our great nation, the
Republic of Zimbabwe , in the
capacity of President and the Commander-in-Chief of the
Zimbabwe Defence
Forces , with effect from today. I admit that I hold no particularly
unique qualification which sets me apart from the deep pool of able
citizens of our party and our land, who otherwise could have been chosen
to occupy this onerous office. But even as I make constant reference to
may party, ZANU-PF, I am not oblivious to the many Zimbabweans from
across the politico, ethnic and racial divide, we have helped make this
day and as if legitimate expectations from the office now I occupy. The decision of my party is merely for the purpose
of political identification as I intend, nay, am required to save our
country as the President of all citizens, regardless of color, creed,
religion, tribe, totem or political affiliation.
Let me at this stage
pay special tribute to one of and the only surviving founding father of
our Nation, comrade
Robert Gabriel Mugabe . He led us in our struggle
for national independence. He assumed responsibilities of leadership at
a formative and a very challenging time at the best our nation. That is
to be lauded and celebrated for all times. Whatever errors of
commission or omission that may have occurred during that critical phase
in the life of our nation, let us all accept and acknowledge his immense
contribution towards the building of our nation. To me personally, he
remains a father, mentor, comrade-in-arms and my leader. We, thus, say
thank you to him and I trust that our history will grant him his proper
place and accord him his deserved stature as one of the founding fathers
and leaders of our nation.
Let me also recognize in a very, very
special way the presence in our midst of senior statesmen of our region
and continent, led by his Excellency, former
President Kenneth David
Kaunda of Zambia. He remains the only living member of the foundation
of frontline states grouping which is synonymous with the decolonization
process in our region. We honor him as indeed we remember all his
colleagues now departed. The statesmen who are with us today show a
story of success -- may I repeat that -- show a story of succession which
speaks well of our continent. It is a narrative that must get bolder
and bolder as generations hand over to succeeding ones or in amity.
acknowledging the honor you have bestowed upon me, I recognize that the
urgent tasks that beckon will not be accomplished through speeches. I
must hit the ground running. We all need to summon and unleash in
constant towards taking this great nation beyond where our immediate
past President left it. For close to two decades this country went
through many developments. Whilst we cannot change the past, there is a
lot we can do in the present and the future to give our nation a
different positive direction. As we do so, we should never remain
hostages of our past. I, thus, humbly appeal to all of us that we let
bygones be bygones, readily embracing each other in defining a new
destiny of our beloved Zimbabwe.
The task at hand is that of rebuilding our great
country. It principally lies with none but ourselves to do so. I
employ you all to declare that never again, never again should the
circumstances that have put Zimbabwe in an insufferable position be
allowed to recur or overshadow this process. We must work together,
you, me, all of us who make up this nation. Ours is a great country,
endowed with rich resources and abounding in many opportunities for
everyone who considers Zimbabwe as a home. Whilst I am aware that
emotions and expectations might be high in the midst, I have no doubt
that over time we will appreciate the solid foundation laid by my
predecessor against all manner of vicissitudes towards building an
educated, enlightened, skilled and forgiving society. This is a
formidable head-start we draw from our past a plinth upon which to build
developments in the present and to erect hopes for the future.
Fellow countrymen, Zimbabweans, as we chart our way
forward, we must accept that our challenges as a nation emanate in part
from the manner in which we have managed our politics, both nationally
and internationally. However, given our historical realities, we wish
the rest of the world to understand and appreciate that the policies and
programs related to land reform were inevitable. Whilst there is a lot
we may need to do by way of outcomes, the principle of repossessing our
land cannot be challenged our reversed. The dispossession of our
ancestral land was the fundamental reason for waging the liberation
struggle. It would be a betrayal of the brave men and women who
sacrificed their lives if we were to reverse the gains we have made in
reclaiming our land.
Therefore, I exhort beneficiaries of the
Reform Programme to show their deservedness by demonstrating commitment
to the utilization of the land now available to them for national food
security and for the recovery of our economy. They must take advantage
of programs that my government shall continue to avail to ensure that
all lands are utilized optimally. Through that end my government will
capacitate the land commission so that it is ceased with all outstanding
issues related to land redistribution. My government is committed to
compensating those farmers from whom land was taken in terms of our laws
of lands. As we go into the future, complex issues of land and tenure
will have to be addressed both urgently and definitively. We dare not
prevaricate on this key issue.
Events leading to this historical day attest to the
fact that we are a unique nation, one which is clear about what it wants
and what it does not want. Ordinarily, many nations, including those in
the developed world, would not have ended with the sort of outcome we
celebrate today. Credit goes to every Zimbabwean and to my predecessor
who invested a lot of ties and principle resolution of the challenges of
the situation that had arisen in our country. From events preceding
this occasion, we stand apart as a unique nation driven by mutual
tolerance, peace and unity which we have displayed in the past few
weeks. This is a wonder to the world, indeed a proud page we have added
to the science of conflict resolution and settlement, that peace and
harmony should be characteristic of how we relate to one another before,
during and after the
2018 Harmonized Democratic Elections next year. I
committed to you today that this election will be held as scheduled.
Today, however, the Republic of Zimbabwe renews
itself by a government who will work towards ensuring that the pillars
of democracy in our land are strengthened and respected. We fully
reaffirm our membership of the family of nations and express our
commitment to playing our part in all regional, continental and
international organizations and arrangements in order to make our modest
contribution towards a prosperous and peaceful world order. We
subscribe and affirm the principle where all nations of the world are
equal and sovereign partners working towards the maintenance of world
peace as collectively cherished under the United Nation's charter.
Here at home we must, however, appreciate the fact
that over the years our domestic politics had become poisoned and
rancorous and polarizing. My goal is to persuade and preside over a
policy and run an administration that recognizes strength in our
diversity as a people, hoping that this position and well-meant stance
will be reciprocated and radiated to cover all our groups, organizations
and communities. We dare not squander the moment. Whatever we do or
choose not to do must be intended to benefit all our people. Above all,
we must always remember and realize that we hold and run this country in
trust. It belongs to future generations, whose possibilities must never
be foreclosed or mortgaged as a result of decisions of expediency. The
values of unity and peace cherished by all Zimbabweans are the enduring
foundations for the desired goal of development. It's the third pillar
of the trinity, unity, peace and development espoused by my party ZANU-PF.
Our economic policy will be predicated on our
agriculture, our command agriculture, which is the mainstay and on
creative conditions for investment-led economic recovery that puts
premium on job, job, job, creation. Key choices will have to be made to
attract foreign direct investment to tackle high levels of unemployment
while transforming our economy. The many skilled Zimbabweans who have
left the country over the years for a variety of reasons must now come
into the broad economic calculus designed for our recovery and the
takeoff as a nation. Of course, the physical and the social
infrastructure must be repaired and expanded to position our country in
the readiness for economic growth, employment creation, equity, freedom
and democracy, and for the provision of vital social goals, principally
health, shelter, clean water, education and other key social services.
Our quest for economic development must be premised on our timeless
goal to establish and sustain a just and equitable society, family-based
on our historical, cultural and social experience, as well as on our
aspirations for better lives for all our people. Our system of economic
organization and management will incorporate elements of the market
economy in which enterprise is allowed, encouraged and protected. The
fabulous natural resources we have, as a country, must now be exploited
for the national good. We welcome mutually gainful partnerships with
international investors whose presence in our midst must be valued and
secured. The bottom line is an economy which is back on its feet. Only
that way can we recover this economy, create jobs for our youths and
reduce poverty for all our people who must witness real positive changes
in our lives.
In the immediate, the liquidity challenges which
have bedeviled the economy must be tackled head-on with real solutions
being generated as a matter of urgency. People must be able to access
their earnings and their savings as and when they needed them. As we
focus on recovering our economy, we must shed misbehaviors and acts of
indiscipline which have characterized the past. Acts of corruption must
stop. Where these occur, swift, swift, swift justice must be served. We have to aspire to be a clean nation, one sworn to high moral
standards and deserved rewards. On these ideals, my administration
declares full commitment, warning that grief awaits those who depart
from the path of virtue and a clean business.
To our civil servants, it
cannot be business as usual. You now have to roll up your sleeves in
readiness to deliver. We have an economy to recover, a people to serve. Each and every one of us must now end their hour, their day, their week
and their month at work. Gone -- Gone are the days of absenteeism and
desultory application, days of unduly detail and forestalling decisions
and services in the hope of extorting dirty rewards. Those days are
over. A new culture must now inform and animate our daily conduct. Our
offices must speedily answer questions and generate solutions awaited by
our customers, be they our citizens or well-meaning outsiders who want
to join in our economic recovery. Flexibility must be built in our
operations so that the machine of government does not become one huge
ponderous stumbling block to decisions that must be made and
communicated expeditiously. The culture of government must change and
change now.
Recognizing the pivotal role that exports play in
generating much-needed foreign currency. Government will ensure
relaxation of export procedures whilst vigorously ensuring the reduction
of all cost associated with the conduct of international trades. The
establishments, especially economic zones, will be accelerated in order
to attract investment and increase exports. The maintenance of economic
stability and confidence amongst the transacting public, the local
business community and the foreign investors remains a key to our reform
agenda. My government will ensure financial sector viability and
stability. We will put in place measures that encourage saving through
bank deposits and other appropriate financial instruments which bring
fair rewards to depositors. The current banking culture where costs are
levied on depositors must come to an end. To reduce the high country
risk perception among existing and prospective investors, government
will henceforth ensure that its domestic and internal debt obligations
are serviced. This will apply to the whole of government including
local authorities and state-owned enterprises. In addition, my
government will proactively curb externalization of foreign currency and
smuggling of goods. The country's border management and control systems
will be strengthened.
I intend to approach security issues from a broad,
human, physical and social perspective. All citizens must feel secure
and enjoy a sense of belonging in their land. All activities that the
national security institutions aim to achieve must be focused on overall
human security to include among others security from disease, hunger and
employment illiteracy and extreme poverty. We must pay equal attention
to all these areas, enhancing the capabilities of our security services
so that they are able to deal decisively with all freights.
Today, the Republic of Zimbabwe enters the second
phase of its birth. We emerge to fully affirm our belonging to the
family of nations. We harbor no ill or belligerent intentions against
any other nation. The
Southern African Development Community (SADC) is
our home. We founded it from its beginning and we recommit ourselves to
further its vision and ideals. As we journey outward from our SADC
house, we fully realize that we belong in the big house and family, the
African Union . Once, we were not free and the best of the OAU which
championed total liberation of the entire African continent from
colonialism, we were creators of sterling efforts of the OAU through its
liberation committee. The African Union, itself is the sequel to the OAU, is out natural home and the collective resource is Africans. Zimbabwe pledges its untrammeled membership and declares now that it
will play its role fully to make a success of the AU.
An important subset of the AU is the
Economic Group of Nations. There, we are committed to contributing
meaningfully to the realization of the AU Agenda 2063.
Zimbabwe's genesis independence has provided us
with many lessons, some pleasant, others not so pleasant. In
particular, some bigger nations have attempted to make us bend to their
dictates. We have, however, successfully maintained good relations with
the preponderant majority of the Family of Nations. I stand here today
to say that our country is ready and willing for a steady reengagement
with all the nations of the world.
As we build a new democratic Zimbabwe, we ask those
who have punished us in the past to reconsider the economic and the
political sanctions against us. Whatever misunderstandings that may
have subsisted in the past let this make way for a new beginning. In
this global world, no nation is, can or need be an island. Isolation
has never been splendid or viable. Solidarity and the partnerships are
and will always be the way. We are ready to embrace each and all on the
principles of mutual respect and common humanity. We will take definite
steps to reengage those nations who have had issues with us in the past. Equally, we would take measures to ensure that we acknowledge and show
commitment towards settling our debts. But, of course, our resources
remain sparse especially at this stage when we face myriad of pressures. But we count on the good will of those we owe to give us a chance. We
remain committed to honoring the debts and to entering into new
relationships. I wish to be clear: All foreign investments will be
safe in Zimbabwe.
We will
willfully abide by the terms of bilateral
investment promotion and protection agreements, which we have concluded
with a number of nations. I ask you to join us in exploiting our
potential to make a difference in the lives of our people. The United
Nations is the home of all the nations of this planet. We will
contribute to the overall thinking and management of world affairs. Our
plain talk arises from our deep convictions and desire to help build
world peace. With join the rest of the continent in calling for reforms
in the United Nations system, so the world body becomes truly
representative and thus commands universal respect. Zimbabwe will
continue to contribute to international peace and security, urging the
granting of full statehood and freedoms to the Palestinian and Sarawi
peoples. Let us together honestly address the sources of instability
and the terrorism in many parts of the world, all within the framework
of the United Nations.
Honorable guests and people of Zimbabwe, I wish to
thank all of you here and elsewhere who wish us a peaceful transition. For the time that I shall be
President of Zimbabwe, I solemnly promise
that I shall, to the best of my ability, serve everyone -- everyone who
calls and considers Zimbabwe their home. I encourage all of us to
remain peaceful even as preparations for political contestations for
next year's harmonized free and fair elections gather momentum. The
voice of the people is the voice of God.
Brothers and sisters, the people of Zimbabwe, the
task before us is much bigger than competing for political office. Let
us all play our part to build this great country, together as
Zimbabweans. May God bless Zimbabwe.
I thank you.