Miloš Vystrčil

Speech Introducing the U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo to the Senate of the Czech Republic

delivered 12 August 2020, Wallenstein Palace, Prague, Czech Republic

Audio AR-XE mp3 of Address


[as translated from the Czech language]

The minister, chairman of the Senate, president of the chamber of deputies, senators, members of the parliament, Mr. Secretary, members of the government, Excellency, ladies and gentlemen, dear guests:

It’s been 30 years -- it was in 1990, in Washington, in the American Congress -- 1990 -- when President Vaclav Havel delivered a speech at the Congress.  He presented to the members of the U.S. Congress and to let the people of the world know that there is more freedom in Europe, that the free spirit of Europe has grown stronger.  At the same time, President Havel said that it was thanks to the support and help of democratic countries, and the United States of America in particular, because the democratic countries supported free-thinking people in totalitarian countries and helped them get their freedom and democracy.

I consider it to be very symbolic that 30 years will have passed this year when, in Prague, in the Czech Senate, in the most free and the most democratic institution in the Czech Republic, in the upper chamber of the Czech Parliament, we will have a very prominent American politician.  The Secretary of State Michael Pompeo will deliver his remarks, and I consider this to be very symbolic because it is -- his presentation will take place in the time when the free spirit of Europe is being weakened.

 I am convinced that we should make use of this opportunity and meeting.  We should make use of this opportunity to make sure the Czech Republic, the European countries, and Europe as such starts to put more emphasis on defending its values and its democratic principles.  It’s time to obey more its own sovereignty, independence, and existence.

Please, we shall not forget this, and it would be great if this would be the message coming out from the Senate today, not only to the citizens of this country but also to the people in this country and in the rest of the world.

And by way of conclusion, let me actually share one more important point:  It was always the case that Europe and the European countries managed to defend its freedom and democracy and take good care of their independence and sovereignty, provided they did this in harmony with the United States of America.

We are very happy, Mr. Secretary, that you decided to visit the Czech Senate.

A very warm welcome to the Czech Senate, and the microphone is yours.

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Audio Note: AR-XE = American Rhetoric Extreme Enhancement

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Page Updated: 8/15/20

U.S. Copyright Status: Text = Uncertain. Audio = Property of Video = Public domain (with use subject to these terms).
































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