Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus World Health Organization Opening Statement on COVID-19 delivered 5 March 2020, Geneva, Switzerland
WHO Situation Report for COVID-19 05 March 2020.pdf
[AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio]
There is now a total of 95,265 reported cases of COVID-19 globally, and 3,281
deaths. In the past 24 hours, China reported 143 cases. Most cases continue to
be reported from Hubei province, and 8 provinces have not reported any case[s] in
the last 14 days. We see encouraging signs from the Republic of Korea. The number of newly-reported cases appears to be declining, and the cases that are being reported are being identified primarily from known clusters.
Although a few countries are reporting large
numbers of cases, 115 countries have not reported any cases. Twenty-one
countries have reported only one case. And five countries that had reported cases
have not reported new cases in the past 14 days. The experience of these
countries and of China continues to demonstrate that this is not a one-way
street. Although we continue to see the majority of cases in a handful of countries, we're deeply concerned about the increasing number of countries reporting cases, especially those with weaker health systems. However, this epidemic is a threat for every country, rich and poor. And as we have said before, even the high-income countries should expect surprises. CDC's Latest Information and Recommendations on COVID-19
The solution is
aggressive preparedness.
We’re concerned that some countries have either not taken this seriously enough,
or have decided there’s nothing they can do.
We're concerned that in some countries the level of political commitment and
the actions that demonstrate that commitment do not match the level of the
threat we all face.
W-H-O has published step-by-step guidelines for countries to develop their
national action plans according to eight key areas, which are supported by
detailed technical guidance.
We call on all countries to accelerate those plans, and we stand ready to work
with them to do that.
Today W-H-O has
launched a new social media campaign called "Be Ready for COVID-19," which urges
people to be safe, smart, and informed.
If you feel overwhelmed by fear, reach out to those around you. Find out what
your community’s emergency response plans are, how you fit in and how you can
help. We’re all in this together.
And we can only save lives together.
Original Text Source: WHO.int
Original Audio Source: https://who.canto.global
Original Image Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2019-nCoV-CDC-23312_without_background.png
Audio Note: AR-XE = American Rhetoric
Extreme Enhancement
See also:
CDC Latest Data and Recommendations Page Created: 3/5/20 U.S. Copyright Status: Text = CC BY-NC 3.0 IGO. Text modified for consistency with verbal delivery. Hyperlinks added for additional context. Audio = Uncertain. Image = Public domain. |
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