Private Jupiter Sharts:
Tomorrow, we go into battle. So
Lordy, let me fight with the rifle in one hand and Good Book in the
other. That if I should die at the muzzle of the rifle, die on water or on
land, I may know that You, Blessed Jesus Almighty, are with me. And I
have no fear. Amen.
Sergeant Major John
Rawlins: Lord, we stand before you this evenin' to say thank you. We
thank you, Father, for your grace and your many blessins'. Now, I run
off and left all my youngins and my kinfolk in bondage. So I'm
standin' here this evenin', Heavenly Father, to ask your blessin! On all
of us! So that if tomorrow is our great gettin' up mornin', if tomorrow we have
to meet the Judgment Day, our Heavenly Father we want you to let our
folks know that we died facin' the enemy. We want 'em to know that we
went down standin' up, amongst those that are fightin' against our
oppression. We want 'em to know, Heavenly Father, that we died for
freedom. We ask these blessins' in Jesus name. Amen. Amen! Amen!
[to Private
Trip]: Trip! Come on!
Trip: No, I ain’t --
Major John Rawlins: Come on, come on. You better get your butt
up there, boy. Just say what you think. Just say what you feel. Go
on. Go on now. Go on. Let it out.
Private Trip: I ain't much about no prayin' now.
I ain't never had no family and...killed off my mama...
I feel funny...
Sergeant Major. John
Rawlins: C'mon, now.
You doin' fine.
Private Trip: Well, I just...
Ya' the onliest family I
And I love the 54th.
Private Trip: Ain't much a matter what happen