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Emmanuel Macron

Address to the GLOBSEC Summit Forum [w/ English Transcript and French Language Video]

Yulia Navalnaya

Address to the EU Parliament Following the Death of Alexei Navalnaya [w/ AudioXE and Enhanced Video]

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Address to the Nation in Response to U.S. Funding Freeze [w/ English Transcript and Video]

Keir Starmer

Opening Press Conference Remarks Following EU Leaders' Summit on Ukraine [w/ Authenticated Text and Video]

Sean Parnell

First Weekly DoD Sitrep [w/ Authenticated Text, Multiple Audio Mixes, Video]

Karoline Leavitt

Joint Presser with Stephen Miller, Kevin Hassett, Mike Waltz [w/ Video]

Mariana Betsa

UN Statement on Draft Resolution for a Comprehensive, Just and Lasting Peace [w/ Authenticated Text, AudioXE, Video]

George W. Bush

Address to the World Economic Forum [AI Upscaled (216p to 720p) and AI Audio Noise Reduced and Enhanced Audio Added]

JD Vance

Address to the 2025 Munich Security Conference [w/ Authenticated Text, AudioXE, Video]

Lloyd J. Austin III

SECDEF Farewell Address [w/ Video]

Justin Trudeau

Address to the Sovereign Nations of Canada and the U.S. in Response to Ostensible U.S. Trade Tariffs [All French Canadian Utterances Transcribed in the Original and Translated to English]

Text of Address

"The United States Senate has long enjoyed worldwide respect as the greatest deliberative body in the world. But recently that deliberative character has too often been debased to the level of a forum of hate and character assassination sheltered by the shield of congressional immunity."

"It is strange that we can verbally attack anyone else without restraint and with full protection and yet we hold ourselves above the same type of criticism here on the Senate Floor. Surely the United States Senate is big enough to take self-criticism and self-appraisal. Surely we should be able to take the same kind of character attacks that we dish out to outsiders.”

"Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism in making character assassinations are all too frequently those who, by our own words and acts, ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism: the right to criticize; the right to hold unpopular beliefs; the right to protest; the right of independent thought."



Bernice King: For Yolanda King Rev. Billy Graham for Richard Nixon
Cher: For Sonny Bono George Schultz: For Chris Stevens
Jay Paterno: For Father Jon Meacham: For George H.W. Bush
Kevin Costner: For Whitney Houston Luke Russert: For Father
Margaret Thatcher: For Ronald Reagan Nikki Giovanni: For Virginia Tech
Oprah Winfrey: For Rosa Parks Robert Kennedy: Martin Luther King
Ronald Reagan: For Challenger Seven Ted Kennedy: For Robert Kennedy
Ted Kennedy Jr: For Father William J. Clinton: For Oklahoma



1/29/02 President's State of the Union Address
2/02/02 Paul Wolfowitz's Address at the 38th Verkunde Conference
8/26/022 Vice President Cheney's Address to the Veterans of Foreign Wars 103rd National Convention
1/28/03 President's State of the Union Address


Colin Powell's Address to the UN Security Council

President's Ultimatum to Saddam

3/19/03 President's Address to the Nation: Initial Ops in Iraq
3/19/03 Senator Robert Byrd: The Arrogance of Power
4/03/03 President's Address at Camp Lejeune
4/10/03 President and UK Prime Minister Addresses to the Peoples of Iraq
4/24/03 Ashleigh Banfield: Landon Lecture at Kansas State University
5/01/03 President Announces End of Combat Ops in Iraq
12/14/03 President Announces Capture of Saddam Hussein
1/20/04 President's 2004 State of the Union Address
4/8/04 Condoleezza Rice: 9/11 Commission Opening Statement
4/13/04 President's Prime Time News Conference on Iraq War
10/4/04 Donald Rumsfeld's Address to the Council on Foreign Relations
1/30/05 President's Address Following Democratic Election in Iraq
2/02/05 President's 2005 State of the Union Address
2/4/05 L. Paul Bremer: TD Waterhouse Conference Keynote Address
12/18/05 President's National Address in Oval Office
9/11/06 President's National Address on Five-Year Anniversary of 9/11
1/10/07 President's Address to the Nation on Troop Increase

President's Press Conference on Iraq War


General David Petraeus' Opening Statement to Congress on the Status in Iraq


President's Address to the Nation on Moving Forward in Iraq

10/12/07 General Ricardo Sanchez's Address to Military Reporters and Editors
2/27/09 President's Address at Camp Lejeune on Ending the War in Iraq
08/31/10 President's Oval Office Address Announcing End of Operation Iraqi Freedom
12/15/11 Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta Marks the End of Operation New Dawn



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American Rhetoric.
Created by Michael E. Eidenmuller.
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