"Miracle" (2004)
Coach Herb Brooks:
Address to Players During Olympic Hockey Match Against Sweden
Audio mp3
principally delivered by Kurt Russell
This is unbelievable. You guys are playing like this is some
throw-away game up in Rochester. Who we playing,
Ramer? |
Mike Ramsey: Sweden.
Brooks: Yeah, you're damn right! Sweden!
In the Olympics!!
Brooks: What the hell's wrong with you?
[to Rob McClanahan] Put your gear on. I said put your gear on!
Rob McClanahan:
The Doc told me I
can't play.
Brooks: Yeah, yeah, I know. You gotta
bad bruise. You know what? Put your street clothes on 'cause I got no
time for quitters. |

Mike Eruzione:
Herb. Nobody's quittin' here.
Brooks: You worry about your own game. Plenty there to keep you
[turning back to McClanahan]

Brooks: Bruise on the leg is a hellava long way from the heart, you candy ass.
Rob McClanahan: What'd you call me?
Brooks: You heard me.
Rob McClanahan: You want me to play? Huh?! Is that what you want?!

Brooks: I want you to be a hockey player!!

Rob McClanahan: I am a hockey player!! You want me to play
on one leg?! Huh?! I'll play on one leg!!!
Brooks: [to Assistant Coach, Craig
Patrick] Think that'll get 'em goin'?
Rob McClanahan:
...Get off me!! [to player holding him back] Does that make you happy?!....

Craig Patrick: Oh, yeah. I'll clean up.

Herb Brooks: 1937-2003
