American Rhetoric: Movie Speech "The Browning Version" (1951)
Andrew Crocker-Harris Confesses His Failures As A Teacher
Crocker-Harris: A valedictory address, as those of you who have read your Plato's Apology will remember, can be of inordinate length, but as I, unhappily, am not Socrates, and as I have often believed that Vita longa, ars brevis,¹ is a more suitable apothegm than the one in more general use, and in connection with the word brevitas, it is, I think, of some small interest -- it is, I think, of some small interest --
That is all. Good bye. ¹ "Life is long, art is brief." A riff on a famous quotation from Hippocrates "ars longa, vita brevis," ("art is long, life is brief.") Hippocrates' original phrase was popularized by Longfellow in a poem called "Psalm of Life." -- Paul Streufert, Ph.D., The University of Texas at Tyler. |
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