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10 Days to War
Colonel Tim Collins Eve-of-Battle Speech to the Royal Irish Regiment
10 Things I Hate About You
Katarina "Kat" Stratford Delivers 'Hate' Poem in Class
Queen Gorgo Addresses the Spartan Council
Dilios' Battle Call at Plataea
49th Parallel
Peter the Hutterite Delivers Address on German 'Brotherhood'
A Beautiful Mind
John Nash: 1994 Nobel Prize Acceptance Address
Abe Lincoln in Illinois
Lincoln-Douglas Debate
Adam's Rib
Doris Attinger Testifies on Husband's Murder
Amanda Bonner Delivers Closing Arguments
A Few Good Men
Colonel Nathan R. Jessep Addresses the Court on "Code Red"
Air Force One
President Marshall Delivers Surprise Anti-Terrorism Speech in Moscow
A Knight's Tale
Geoffrey Chaucer: First Declamation
Geoffrey Chaucer: Second Declamation
Geoffrey Chaucer: Third Declamation
Geoffrey Chaucer: Final Declamation
Ali Defends His Decision Not to Participate in Military Draft Induction
Ali's Historic and Monumental Moment with Howard Cosell
All Quiet on the Western Front
Professor Kantorek Preaches the Glory of the Fatherland
Paul Baumer Addresses Students on the Horrors of War
All The King's Men
Willie Stark Campaigns for Governor
Newly Elected Governor Willie Stark Addresses the People
A Man for All Seasons
Sir Thomas More Addresses the Court
John Quincy Adams Addresses the U.S. Supreme Court
Justice Story Reads he Decision of the U.S. Supreme Court
An Ideal Husband
Sir Robert Chiltern's Address to Parliament
Mayan Elder's Fireside Story (Popol Vuh )
Of Things to Come
Old School Safety Briefing
William Wallace Addresses the Scottish Army at Stirling
Cesar Chavez
A Better Tomorrow Brian's Song Gale Sayers Addresses Team on Brian Piccolo's Cancer Gale Sayers George S. Halas Award for Courage Address Chariots of Fire Master of Caius: Cambridge University Freshman Class Address Eric Liddell Host Speech at the Scottish Folk Festival Eric Liddell Evangelical Speech at the Scotland vs. Ireland Races Eric Liddell Preaches at the Church of Scotland Chernobyl Soviet Minister Boris Shcherbina Testifies on Chernobyl at Trial Valery Legasov Explains in Court How an RBMK Reactor Works Citizen Kane Charles Kane on the Enquirer's Success Citizen Kane Campaigns for Governor! City Hall Mayor Pappas Eulogizes James Bone Clueless "All Oppressed People Should be Allowed Refuge in America" Coach Carter Coach Carter Offers His Players the Prospect of a Better Life Compulsion Jonathan Wilk's Closing Argument Against Capital Punishment Concussion Dr. Bennet Omalu Proposes a Formal Scientific Study of CTE Dr. Bennet Omalu Addresses an NFL Players Association Conference Cool Hand Luke Carr "The Floor-Walker" Explains the Rules of the House "Failure to Communicate" Crimson Tide Captain Ramsey Addresses the Crew of the USS Alabama Captain Ramsey and Commander Hunter Debate the Nature of Nuclear War
Brian's Song
Gale Sayers Addresses Team on Brian Piccolo's Cancer
Gale Sayers George S. Halas Award for Courage Address
Chariots of Fire
Master of Caius: Cambridge University Freshman Class Address
Eric Liddell Host Speech at the Scottish Folk Festival
Eric Liddell Evangelical Speech at the Scotland vs. Ireland Races
Eric Liddell Preaches at the Church of Scotland
Soviet Minister Boris Shcherbina Testifies on Chernobyl at Trial
Valery Legasov Explains in Court How an RBMK Reactor Works
Citizen Kane
Charles Kane on the Enquirer's Success
Citizen Kane Campaigns for Governor!
City Hall
Mayor Pappas Eulogizes James Bone
"All Oppressed People Should be Allowed Refuge in America"
Coach Carter
Coach Carter Offers His Players the Prospect of a Better Life
Jonathan Wilk's Closing Argument Against Capital Punishment
Dr. Bennet Omalu Proposes a Formal Scientific Study of CTE
Dr. Bennet Omalu Addresses an NFL Players Association Conference
Cool Hand Luke
Carr "The Floor-Walker" Explains the Rules of the House
"Failure to Communicate"
Crimson Tide
Captain Ramsey Addresses the Crew of the USS Alabama
Captain Ramsey and Commander Hunter Debate the Nature of Nuclear War
Cry Freedom
Steve Biko Defends His Message to the South African Government
Darkest Hour
Winston Churchill Addresses the House of Commons Following Operation Dynamos
President Dave Kovic Negotiates Key Section of the Simpson-Garner Works Bills
DC 9/11 - Time of Crisis
President George W. Bush Address a Joint Session of the U.S. Congress
Professor Deborah Lipstadt Challenges Students on the Historicity of the Holocaust
Professor Deborah Lipstadt Meets Professor David Irving
Press Conference Following High Court of Justice Decision
Queen Elizabeth Addresses Rival Clergy on a Unified Church of England
Erin Brockovich
Erin Brockovich Explains the Value of PG&E's Settlement Offer to PG&E's Attorneys
Field of Dreams
"People Will Come"
Captain Whitaker Testifies Before the NTSB
Whip Addresses Fellow Inmates on Lying and Justice
Ford v Ferrari
Henry Ford II Addresses Company Workers on the Factory Floor
Lee Iacocca Pitches Ferrari Company Ownership to 'the Deuce'
Carroll Shelby Introduces the Ford Mustang
Friday Night Lights
Coach Gaines: Sincere Warfare Speech
Coach Gaines: On 'Being Perfect'
Cadet Kirk Faces Starfleet Academy Disciplinary Hearing
Zola's Open Letter to the President of France Charging Corruption Against the Army
Zola's Closing Argument in Defense of Captain Dreyfus and Himself
Eulogy for Emile Zola
C o m i n g S o o n !
April 1st
Culture & Revolution
- Gandhi to British: Leave
- Malcolm X in Harlem
- Ginsburg at Court
- The Abolitionist at Court
- Ali Against Vietnam
- Queen versus Clergy
- Romero's Oppression
- "Si, se puede!"
- Lincoln and the 13th
- Milk and Freedom Day
- Mad Prophet Beale
- Sermon on the Plain
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