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Saving Private Ryan

General Marshall Reads the Lincoln Letter

Captain Miller Addresses his Unit on Saving Private Ryan

Scent of a Woman

Lt. Col. Frank Slade Addresses Baird School Disciplinary Hearing

Schindler's List

Oskar Schindler Delivers Farewell Address to Jewish Factory Workers


Capt. Malcolm Reynolds Aims to Misbehave

Soy Cuba

Rebel Radio Announcer Declaims the Revolution (Spanish and English texts)

Stand and Deliver

Mr. Escalante Delivers a Lesson on Negative Numbers

Star Trek

Cadet Kirk Faces Starfleet Academy Disciplinary Hearing

Star Trek Into Darkness

Captain James T. Kirk Addresses Crew at the Rechristening Ceremony for the USS Enterprise

Star Trek -- The Original Series (TV)

Capt. James T. Kirk: Opening Monologue

Capt. James T. Kirk: Risk and Progress Speech

Capt. James T. Kirk: On the Meaning of 'We the People'

Star Trek: Star Fleet Academy (Video Game)

Capt. James T. Kirk Address Cadets at Officer Command College, Star Fleet Academy


National Transportation Safety Board Hearing


Prince Nasir Al-Subaai Discusses Progressive Reform

Thank You For Smoking

Senator Finistirre Holds Press Conference

Nick Naylor Pitches 'Smoking is Cool'

Nick Naylor Testifies Before A Congressional Committee

The American President

President Andrew Shepherd's Press Conference

The Aviator

Howard Hughes Addresses the Senate War Investigating Committee

The Best Years of Our Lives

Al Stephenson's After Dinner Speech

The Browning Version

Andrew Crocker-Harris Confesses His Failures As A Teacher

The Bucket List

Edward Cole Eulogizes Carter Chambers

The Contender

Senator Laine Hanson: Closing Address Before the Senate Committee

President Jackson Evans Addresses Congress on VP Nominee, Senator Hanson

The Covenant

"Pay Your Debts"

The Door in the Floor

Ted Cole Reads 'The Door in the Floor'

The Family Man

Jack to Kate: 'I Choose Us'

The Fountainhead

Howard Roark Addresses the Jury

The Girl in the Cafe

Gina Responds to the Prime Minister

The Godfather: Part II

Michael Corleone Testifies Before the Senate Committee

Frankie Pentangeli Testifies Before the Senate Committee

The Great Debaters

Melvin Tolson Delivers Langston Hughes' Poem

Wiley College vs. Paul Quinn College

Wiley College vs. Oklahoma City College

Wiley College vs. Harvard University

The Great Dictator

"Look Up Hannah"

The Great Santini

Bull Meechum Chastises his Kids

Bull Meechum to Pilot Attack Squadron-312

Remembrance Service for Bull Meechum

The Guardian

Orientation Day Address at the U.S. Coast Guard Aviation Survival Training Schools

The House I Live In

Frank Sinatra Talks with the Boys about Religious Bigotry

The Hurricane

Rubin "Hurricane" Carter Addresses the Court

Judge Sarokin Federal Court Ruling

The Iron Lady

MP Margaret Thatcher Engages the House of Commons

PM Margaret Thatcher: A Day to Take Pride in Being British

Margaret Thatcher Accuses Cabinet of Cowardice

The King's Speech

King George Delivers BBC Radio Address to the Nation

The Life of Emile Zola

Zola's Open Letter to the President of France

Zola's Closing Argument in Defense of Captain Dreyfus and Himself

Eulogy for Emile Zola

The Lion in Winter

Queen Eleanor Lectures her Sons on World Peace

The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence

Major Cassius Starbuckle Nominates Buck Langhorne at the Territorial Convention

Dutton Peabody Nominates Ransom Stoddard at the Territorial Convention Session

The Pacific

RLt Col. Lewis 'Chesty' Puller Delivers Day 01 Briefing to Noncommissioned Officers

The Patriot

South Carolina Assembly Debate

The Perfect Storm

Linda Greenlaw Eulogizes the Crew of the Andrea Gail

The Pride of the Yankees

Lou Gehrig's Farewell to Baseball Address

The Princess Diaries

Mia's Decision

The Rack

Captain Edward Hall Delivers Closing Remarks in Court

The Reader

Hanna Schmitz Testifies in Court On Her Role at Siemens

The Return of the King

Aragorn: Battle Speech at the Black Gates

There Will Be Blood

Daniel Plainview vs. Squabbling Land Owners

Plainview Tenders Offer to Lease Sunday Ranch

Plainview Pitches Oil to Little Boston Community

Plainview Blesses the 'Mary's Well Number One'

The Sands of Iwo Jima

Sgt. Stryker Addresses his New Rifle Squad

The Shawshank Redemption

The Trial of Andy Dufresne

Ellis Boyd Redding Addresses his Parole Board(s)

The Verdict

Frank Galvin's Closing Argument

The West Wing (TV Series)

"The Streets of Heaven"

The Wind That Shakes the Barley

Catholic Priest Addresses Congregation

The Wizard of Oz

The Cowardly Lion On Courage

The Wizard's Offer

Death of the Wicked Witch of the West

The Wizard's Balloon Sendoff Speech

The Wrestler

Randy "The Ram" Robinson's Final Address to Fans

This Land is Mine

Mr. Albert Lory Delivers Final Remarks in Court

To Kill A Mockingbird

Atticus Finch: Closing Argument at the Robinson Trial

Top Gun

Top Gun Orientation - Captain Mike "Viper" Metcalf

MiG Briefing Exchange - "Charlie," "Maverick," "Goose"

True Grit

Mattie Ross Negotiates a Settlement

Rooster Cogburn Testifies in Court

Tucker: The Man and His Dream

Preston Thomas Tucker Addresses Jury in Closing Argument

Veronica Guerin

Acceptance Address: Press Freedom Award

Wall Street

Gordon Gekko: Address to Teldar Paper Stockholders

We Are Marshall

Coach Jack Lengyell: "We Cannot Lose"

We Were Soldiers

Lt. Col. Hal Moore: Opening Address to Unit Officers

Lt. Col. Hal Moore: On Fighting as a Family

Lt. Col Hal Moore: "I will leave no one behind"

William Faulkner of Oxford

Address to a High School Graduating Class in Oxford, Mississippi

Witness for the Prosecution

Sir Wilfrid Examines Cristine Credibility

Sir Wilfrid Introduces New and Dispositive Evidence [Pending]

Young Winston

Winston Churchill Addresses the House of Commons

Zero Dark Thirty

Maya Briefs SEAL Team Six at Area 51



Cadet Kirk Faces Starfleet Academy Disciplinary Hearing

Zola's Open Letter to the President of France Charging Corruption Against the Army

Zola's Closing Argument in Defense of Captain Dreyfus and Himself

Eulogy for Emile Zola

C o m i n g   S o o n !

April 1st





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American Rhetoric
Michael E. Eidenmuller
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