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Gandhi Advocates Policy of Nonviolence

Gandhi Addresses Indian National Congress

Gandhi To British Authorities: "It Is Time You Left"

Mr. & Mrs. Gandhi Address the People of India


Colonel Joshua Chamberlain Addresses Maine Soldiers on What We're Fighting For

Girls of the Sun

Bahar Address the Girls of Corduene


General Meridius: Address to the Roman Cavalry

Proximo: 1st Address to his Gladiators

Proximo: Address to Gladiators Prior to First Battle

General Meridius: Coliseum Address to Commodus


Colonel Robert Gould Shaw Meets the 54th MA Regiment

Colonel Robert Shaw Reads Proclamation of the Confederate Congress

General George Strong Discusses the Strategic Necessity of Capturing Fort Wagner

54th Regiment's Prayer Meeting on the Eve of the Battle of Fort Wagner

Gods and Generals

General Robert E. Lee Accepts Command of the Citizen Army of Virginia

"Stonewall" Jackson Addresses the 33rd Virginia Regiment

"Stonewall" Jackson Addresses Virginia's 1st Brigade

Colonel Joshua Chamberlain Recounts Julius Caesar's Rubicon Crossing

Colonel Joshua Chamberlain Delivers Abolition Speech

Good Night and Good Luck

E.R. Murrow Address the Radio-Television News Directors Association & Foundation

Senator Joseph McCarthy Attacks Edward R. Murrow on CBS's See It Now

Good Will Hunting

Debate at the "Bow and Arrow" (Harvard) Bar

Henry V

Henry V St. Crispin's Day Address

Homeland (TV Series)

President Keane Delivers Her Resignation Address


Coach Norman Dale Introduces the 1952 Hickory High School Team

Coach Norman Dale's Pre-Game Motivational Speech Before Regionals

Indiana State High School Championship Game: Husker Team Pre-Talk and Prayer

Independence Day

President's Address to the U.S. Fighter Pilots

Inherit the Wind

Colonel Drummond Interrogates Matthew Brady on the Scientific Authority of the Bible


President Nelson Mandela Addresses Office Staff on First Day as President

President Nelson Mandela Addresses the South African Sports Committee

Iron Man

Tony Stark Holds Press Conference Revealing Iron Man Identity

Obadiah Stane Addresses Stark Industry Scientists


Jack addresses his Graduating Class

Jack Ryan (TV Series)

Gloria Bonalde Addresses Campaign Supporters in el Barrio de Catia

Gloria Bonalde Addresses Campaign Supporters in Caracas

Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire: 'Flipper' Speech

Jerry Maguire: 'I Miss my Wife


Sermon on the Plain

Jesus of Nazareth

The Beatitudes

John Adams

John Adams Declaims American Independence from Great Britain

Judgment at Nuremberg

Ernst Janning Confesses his Guilt

Hans Rolf Delivers Closing Argument for the Defense

Judge Haywood Delivers the Decision of the Court

Julius Caesar

Brutus Addresses Roman Citizenry on the Death of Julius Caesar

Marc Antony Addresses Roman Citizenry on the Death of Julius Caesar

Kingdom of Heaven

Balian of Ibelin Addresses the People of Jerusalem

Knute Rockne: All American

Knute Rockne: for the Gipper

Ladder 49

Captain Mike Kennedy Eulogizes Jack Morrison

Last Resort

Captain Marcus Chaplin Addresses Crew on Russian Spetsnaz Prisoner Policy


President Johnson Relates a Story About Racism and Civil Rights

President Johnson Delivers Let Us Continue Address to Congress

Lean on Me

Principal Clark Addresses Staff: 'This is not a damn democracy'

Principal Clark Addresses Students on 'the New Eastside High'

Principal Clark Addresses Parents on Expulsion of Students

Principal Clark Addresses Students on the Basic Skills Test

Legally Blonde

Elle Woods Delivers Speech at Harvard Law School's 1994 Graduation Ceremony


President Lincoln's Cabinet Defense of his Wartime Policies and the 13th Amendment

President Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

Little Pink House

New London Town Hall on Proposed Pfizer Redevelopment Plan

Susette Kelo Addresses Supporters Following USSC Decision

LOTR: Return of the King

Aragorn II Delivers Battle Speech at the Black Gate of Mordor


Luther's Defense at the Imperial Diet at Worms



Cadet Kirk Faces Starfleet Academy Disciplinary Hearing

Zola's Open Letter to the President of France Charging Corruption Against the Army

Zola's Closing Argument in Defense of Captain Dreyfus and Himself

Eulogy for Emile Zola

C o m i n g   S o o n !

April 1st





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American Rhetoric
Michael E. Eidenmuller
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