Speeches A-F
Speeches G-L
Speeches M-R
Sabrina Singh: DOD Presser on Classified
Document Leaks
[T] [A]
Sacheen Littlefeather: Oscar Acceptance for
Marlon Brando
Hussein: 1996 Speech to the Iraqis
Hussein: Second Open Letter to the Americans
Samantha Power: UN Statement on the Downing of
[T] [A]
Samantha Power: AIPAC 2015 Policy Conference
[T] [A]
Samantha Power: Address on UN Resolution 3379
Samantha Power: UN Security Council Address on
Sam Elliott: Speech in Tribute to SGT Raymond
Sam Waterston: Gettysburg Address
[T] [A]
Samuel Alito: Opening Statement Before the
Senate Judiciary
Samuel Alito: (Pre-Recorded) Address to the
Federalist Society
Sandra Bullock: Oscar Acceptance for Best
Leading Actress
Sandra Day O'Connor: Address at Ronald Reagan
[T] [A]
Sandra Day O'Connor: Liberty Medal Award
Acceptance Address
[T] [A]
Sandra Mason: Presidential Inaugural Address
[T] [A]
Sanna Marin: To Parliament on Novel
Coronavirus Preparations
Sarah Palin: Vice Presidential Nomination
[T] [A]
Sarah Palin: Republican Governors Association
Sarah Palin: Tea Party Keynote Speech
Sarah Weddington: Roe v Wade Oral Arguments
[T] [A]
Remarks at Finland Accession to NATO Ceremony [T]
Scott Leonard: First Light Armored
Reconnaissance Battalion Address
[T] [A]
Scott Pruitt: White House Presser on Paris
Accord Withdrawal
[T] [A]
Sean MacFarland: Field Presser on Operation
Inherent Resolve
Sean Parnell: First Weekly DoD SITREP
Sean Spicer: Statement on Media Reporting
Following Inauguration
Senior Citizen's Charter: 1961 White House
Conference on Aging
Sermon Audio
Sermon Central [T]
Severn Suzuki: United Nations ECO Summit
Sheldon Whitehouse: Senate Speech on Cyber
Sherrod Brown: Senate Floor Speech on GM
Lordstown Plant Closing
Sheryl Sandberg: Statement to Congress on
Facebook Accountability
Shimon Peres: United Nations General Assembly
Shimon Peres: Oslo II Interim Agreement
Signing Ceremony Speech
Shimon Peres: Medal of Freedom Acceptance
Shinzō Abe: Opening Remarks at a 2007
Meeting of the North Atlantic Council
Shinzō Abe: 2013 Olympic Presentation
Speech on Behalf of Japan
[T] [A]
Shinzō Abe: Address to a Joint Sitting of
the Australian Parliament
[T] [A]
Shinzō Abe: Address to a Joint Session of the
U.S. Congress
[T] [A]
Shinzō Abe: Address at the Hiroshima
Peace Memorial
[T] [A]
Shinzō Abe: Pearl Harbor Reconciliation
[T] [A]
Shinzō Abe: Emperor Naruhito Formal
Accession Address
Shinzō Abe: Press Statement on Novel
Corona Virus Countermeasures
Shinzō Abe: Press Conference on COVID-19
(March 2020)
Shinzō Abe: Press Statement on National
Emergency Declaration
Shirley Chisholm: For the Equal Rights
Shirley Chisholm: Presidential Candidacy
[T] [A]
Shirley Chisholm: The Black Woman in
Contemporary America
Shirley Sherrod: NAACP 20th Freedom Fund
Banquet Speech
[T] [A]
Shri M Sankaran: On South Pole Lunar Landing
of Chandrayaan-3's Vikram
[T] [A]
Socrates: "Apology"
Sojourner Truth:
"Ain't I A Woman"? [T]
Sonia Sotomayor: Senate Judiciary Committee
Statement [T]
Soong May-ling (Madame Chiang Kai-Shek):
Speech to Congress [T]
Speech of the Week
(The History Place)
Repository for the European Union
Spiro Agnew: "Television News Coverage"
(Gen). Stanley McChrystal: Farewell to
the U.S. Army
[T] [A]
Star Trek: Original Series Opening Narrative
[T] [A]
State of the State Speeches: 2002-2011
State of the Union: 1980
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 1995
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 1996
[T] [A]
Joint Session of Congress: 2001
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2002
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2003
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2004
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2005
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2006
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2007
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2008
[T] [A]
Joint Session of Congress: 2009
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2010
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2011
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2012
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2013
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2014
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2015
[T] [A]
State of the Union: 2016
[T] [A]
Joint Session of Congress: 2017
[T] [A]
State of the
Union: 2018
[T] [A]
State of the
Union: 2019
[T] [A]
State of the
Union: 2020
[T] [A]
Joint Session of Congress: 2021
[T] [A]
State of the
Union: 2022
State of the
Union: 2023
State of the
Union: 2024
Joint Session of Congress: 2025
Harris: DOD MLK Annual Observance Address [T] [A]
Stephanie Dion: Response to Stephen Harper
[T] [A]
Stephen Breyer: Remarks on USSC Retirement
[T] [A]
Stephen Curry: Remarks at White House NBA
Champions Ceremony
[T] [A]
Stephen Douglas: "Measures of Adjustment" (23
Oct 1850) [T]
Stephen Douglas: On the Territorial Question
(13-14 March 1850) [T]
Stephen Douglas: 1858 Debates with Abraham
Lincoln [T]
Stephen F. Austin: Address at Louisville Kentucky
(1836) [T]
Stephen Harper: Day of Apology Address [T]
Stephen Harper: Government by
Canadians (11-28-08) [T] [A]
Harper: On Separatist Opposition (12-03-08)
[T] [A]
Harper: On Suspension of Parliament (12-04-08) [T]
Oakley: Compassion International in India [T] [A]
Bridges and George W. Bush: Washington Correspondence Dinner [A]
Jobs: 1983 International Design Conference Remarks [T]
Jobs: Commencement Address at Stanford University [T]
Chu: Oversight & Reform Subcommittee Stmt on Solyndra
[T] [A] [V]
Hall: Opening Statement to Congress on Russian Playbook
[T] [A] [V]
T. Banko III: The Veteran's Search for Peace
Scalise: Return to Congress Floor Speech
[T] [A] [V]
1994 Berklee Music School Commencement Address
Carmichael: "Black Power" [T] [A]
Braverman: House of Commons Statement on the Rwanda Bill [T]
[A] [V]
Suffragists Oral
History Project (UC Berkeley) [T]
Pichai: Statement(s) to the Judiciary Committee [T]
[A] [V]
Y. Kim: Remarks on the Return of the Bells of Balangiga [T]
[A] [V]
Baker: Congressional PMRC Hearings Opening Statement [T]
[A] [V]
Susan B. Anthony: A Women's Right to Vote
Collins: Senate Floor Speech Supporting Brett Kavanaugh [T]
[A] [V]
Collins: Speech Honoring Veterans of the Ghost Army [T]
[A] [V]
Collins: Remarks at the Public Memorial for Joe Lieberman [T]
Rahr: Community Oriented Policing Services Conference [T]
Rice: UN Security Council Remarks on Israeli Settlements [T]
Rice: Remarks on UN Vote for Palestinian Observer Status [T]
Rice: Briefing on UN Res. 2094 Sanctions for North Korea
Rice: Human Rights First Summit Speech [T]
Rice: AIPAC 2015 Policy Conference Speech
Rice: GWU Speech on U.S.-China Relations [T]
Kelo: Statement to Congress on Eminent Domain [T]
Vivekananda: World Parliament of Religions Opening Speech [T]
Baptist Church of Tyler Sermon Library [A]
Becker: El Al Flight LY971 Preflight Welcome Address
Talking History: Radio Archive
Cross: Address to the Loudoun County School Board
¶ T.D. Jakes: "All I Have Is
A Seed On My Side" [mp3.1]
Ta-Nehesi Coates; Statement to Congress on
Reparations for Slavery
TED: Ideas Worth Spreading
Ted Cruz: Speeches as Texas Senator
Ted Cruz: Heritage Foundation Speech on
Internet Freedom [T]
Ted Cruz: Remarks via Phone to SpaceX/NASA DM2
Crew on the ISS
Ted Kennedy:
Eulogy for Robert F. Kennedy
Ted Kennedy:
"Chappaquiddick" [T]
Ted Kennedy: 1980 DNConvention
Ted Kennedy: Truth & Tolerance in
America [T]
Ted Kennedy: JFK Library Rededication Address
Ted Kennedy: Eulogy for Jacqueline
Kennedy Onassis
Ted Kennedy: Eulogy for John F. Kennedy, Jr. [T]
Ted Kennedy: 2008 Democratic
National Convention Speech
Ted Kennedy, Jr: Eulogy for Ted Kennedy Sr.
[T] [A]
Ted Koppel:
"Aspire to Decency; Practice Civility"
Teddy Roosevelt: Address at the Grand Canyon
Teddy Roosevelt: "The Man with the Muck-rake"
Teddy Roosevelt: "Citizenship in a Republic"
Teddy Roosevelt: Nobel Lecture
Teddy Roosevelt: "Right of the People to Rule"
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
30 Jan 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
21 Feb 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
27 Feb 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
28 Feb 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
03 Mar 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
05 Mar 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
09 Mar 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
11 Mar 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
16 Mar 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
08 Apr 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on U.S. Funding
Halt 15 Apr 2020 [T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: World Health Assembly Closing
Speech 19 May 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
01 Jun 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
08 Jun 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19 13 July 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19 05
October 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19 12
October 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
9 November 2020
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
11 January 2021
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
18 January 2021
[T] [A]
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on COVID-19
16 July 2021
Tedros Adhanom: WHO Statement on First
Approved Malaria Vaccine [T]
Tedros Adhanom: United Nations Address on the
Health Crisis in Gaza [T]
Teodoro Locsin: Senate Speech on the Visiting
Forces Agreement
Teodoro Locsin: Remarks on the 75th
Anniversary of the End of WWII
[T] [A]
Teodoro Locsin: Statement on the 5th
Anniversary of South China Sea Ruling
Teresa Pike Tomlinson: Sweet Briar College
Commencement Speech
Teri Takai et al: DoD Electromagnetic Spectrum
Strategy Presser
[T] [A]
Terry Newman: "The Culture War in Communication
Studies" (Quillette)
Texas Declaration of Independence
(2 March 1836) [T]
Mbeki: "I Am an African" [T] [A]
Living Room Candidate (archive of political ads and speeches) [T]
Moth: True Stories Told Live [A]
Zwanziger: Memorial Speech for Robert Enke [German] [T] [A]
Zwanziger: Memorial Speech for Robert Enke [English] [T] [A]
Theresa May: "The Great Meritocracy"
Theresa May: United Nations Address 2016
Theresa May: Speech on Exiting Brexit Cleanly
Theresa May: Speech at the U.S. Republican
Party Conference
Theresa May: Speech on the Terrorist Attack in
Theresa May: General Election Announcement
Theresa May: UK and EU Partnership and
Cooperation Speech
Theresa May: Salisbury Incident First Speech to the
House of Commons [T]
Theresa May: Salisbury Incident Second Speech to the
House of Commons [T]
Theresa May: Final House of Commons Address on
Brexit [T]
Campbell: Inaugural Remarks of the MMA American Wing [T]
Modly: Statement on Relief of CO Brett Crozier
[T] [A]
Tim Cook: EU Data Protection and
Privacy Conference Speech [T]
Tim Kaine: Remarks at the Virginia Tech
Memorial Ceremony [T] [A]
Tim Wolfe: MU Presidential Resignation
Speech [T]
Tom Bossert: Cybersecurity Executive
Order Press Briefing [T] [A]
Tom Bossert: "Wannacry" and "Wannacrypt"
Ransomeware Briefing [T] [A]
Tom Bossert: Briefing on Hurricane
Relief Efforts in Puerto Rico [T] [A]
Tom Bossert: Hurricane Harvey Press
Briefing [T] [A]
Tom Bossert: "On WannaCry Malware
and North Korea Attribution [T] [A]
Tom Brokaw: National WWII Memorial
Dedication Address [T] [A]
Tom Brokaw: Commencement Address at
Emory University [T] [A]
Tom Delay: Farewell Address to U.S.
House of Representatives [T] [A]
Tom Durkin: Call of the 140th Running
of the Belmont Stakes [A]
Frieden: Briefing on First U.S. Diagnosed Ebola Virus Infection
Frieden: Aspen Institute -- Ebola and Global Health Security
Frieden: Travel Warning to South Florida Statement and Briefing
Hanks: Commencement Address at Vassar College
Tauke: New Democrat Network Keynote
Vilsack: Press Conference on Shirley Sherrod
Wheeler: FCC Statement on Net Neutrality (4-29-14)
Wheeler: NCTA Conference Keynote Address (4-30-14)
Toni Morrison: 1993 Nobel Lecture
[T] [A]
Tony Blair: Address to a Joint Session of the
Irish Parliament
Tony Blair: Address to a Joint Session of the
Irish Parliament
Tony Blair: Remarks on 9/11 Attacks in
the U.S. [T]
Tony Blair: Remarks on Initial British and
American OPS in Afghanistan
Tony Blair: 2001 Address to the Labour Party
Tony Blair: Speech Accepting U.S. Congressional Gold Medal [T] [A]
Tony Blair: Valedictory (Farewell) Address to
the Labour Party
[T] [A]
Tony Blair: Testimony Before the UK Iraq
Inquiry Commission [T]
Tony Hayward: Opening Stmt to HOR Oversight
Subcommittee [T] [A]
Toomas Hendrik Ilves: On Estonia as a Nordic
Nation [T]
Toomas Hendrik Ilves: Internet Governance
Keynote Speech [T] [A]
Tracey Crouch: House of Commons Loyal Address
Troy Aikman: Pro
Football Hall of Fame Address [T]
Tzipi Livni: Speech to the United Nations
General Assembly [T]
Berkeley Free Speech Movement Archives [A]
UK Political Speech Archive ***
UK Royal Family Speeches ***
United Nations Speeches and Events
United Nations Audiovisual Library
United Nations Radio Classics
United Nations General Assembly Speeches
United Nations Security Council Speeches
United Nations YouTube Channel
United Nations Watch -- Human Rights Channel
Ursula K. Le Guin: A Left-Handed Commencement
Address [T]
Ursula K. Le Guin: Distinguished Letters Award
Ursula von der Leyen: On Post Brexit EU-UK
Free Trade Deal
Air Force Chief of Staff Speeches
Air Force Archived Speeches (2005-2014)
U.S. Army Speeches [T]
U.S. Army Chief of Staff
Speeches [T]
Central Intelligence Agency Speeches (1995-Present)
Coast Guard Speeches
U.S. Commission on International Religious
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
U.S. Department of Agriculture Speeches
U.S. Department of
Commerce Speeches
¶ U.S. Department of Defense
Archived Speeches
(1995-2015) [T]
U.S. Department of Defense
Leaders Speeches [T]
U.S. Department of Defense
Visual Distribution Service (DVIDS) ***
U.S. Department of Defense:
Live Event Channels
U.S. Department of Defense:
Briefing on Fort Hood Findings and Recommendations
U.S. Department of Education Speeches [T]
U.S. Department of Education
Archived Speeches (2009-2016) [T]
U.S. Department of Energy
Speeches [T]
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Speeches [T]
U.S. Department of Homeland Security Speeches [T]
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban
Development Speeches [T]
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban
Development Webcasts
¶ U.S. Department of
Interior Speeches [T]
Department of Justice Speeches (keyword
Department of Justice -- Attorney General Speeches
Department of Justice -- Attorney General Speeches (1996-2009)
Department of Justice Video Speeches
U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General
U.S. Department of Labor Speeches
U.S. Department of
State Speeches
U.S. Department of
State Press Briefings
U.S. Department of
State Speeches and Briefings
U.S. Department of
State Speeches by Mike Pompeo
¶ U.S. Department of Transportation Speeches
¶ U.S. Department of Treasury Speeches [T]
¶ U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Speeches [T]
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Speeches
(current) [T]
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Speeches
(archived) [T]
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Speeches [T]
U.S. Federal Communication Commission Speeches [T]
U.S. Federal Reserve Speeches (1996-Present) [T]
U.S. Federal Reserve Speeches
U.S. Federal Trade Commission Speeches
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Speeches
U.S. House of Representatives [A]
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
U.S. Labor and Industry Historic Speeches [A]
U.S. Marine Corps Historic Speeches
¶ U.S. National Intelligence (ODNI) Speeches [T]
¶ U.S. National Security Agency Speeches [T]
¶ U.S. Naval Institute Speeches
(YouTube) [V]
U.S. Navy Speeches
U.S. Secretary of the Army
Speeches [T]
U.S. Secretary of the
Speeches [T]
U.S. Soldiers Radio and Television (AFN)
Supreme Court Cases/Arguments (Cornell University)
U.S. Supreme Court Oral
Arguments (Oyez) ***
U.S. Supreme Court Oral
Arguments: Roe v. Wade [T]
U.S. Supreme Court Oral
Arguments: Lemon v. Kurtzman [T]
U.S. Supreme Court Oral
Arguments: Edwards v. Aguillard
U.S. Supreme Court Oral
Arguments: Citizens United v. FEC
U.S. Supreme Court Oral Arguments: "Affordable
Care Act" [T] [A]
U.S. Supreme Court:
Speeches by USSC Justices (2000-2019)
U.S. Transportation Security Administration
U.S. United Nations Mission Speeches (current)
U.S. United Nations Mission Speeches
(archived back to 2017)
UT Longhorn 2006 Rose Bowl Speeches by Brown and Young
Veronica Guerin: International Press Freedom Award
Vicente Fox: Address to a Joint Meeting of the
U.S. Congress
Victoria Shi: AI Generated Inaugural Remarks
for Ukraine Foreign Ministry
Viktor Orbán: On "Illiberal Democracy"
Voice Library
Vin Scully: Los Angeles Dodgers Baseball
Broadcast Final Signoff
Virginia Tech Tragedy Memorial Speeches (I)
Virginia Tech Tragedy Memorial Speeches (2)
Vital Speeches of the Day (subscription
Vivek Murthy: Presser on Surgeon General's
Health [Mis]Information Advisory
Vladimir Putin: 43rd Munich Conference Address
and Q&A
Vladimir Putin: IOC Pitch to Host the 2014
Winter Olympic Games
Vladimir Putin: 2013 Valdai Discussion Club
Address and Q&A
Vladimir Putin: 2014 Valdai Discussion Club
Address and Q&A
Vladimir Putin: Address to the 70th Session of the
United Nations General Assembly [T]
Vladimir Putin: Speech to the Nation on Novel
Coronavirus [T]
Vladimir Putin: Statements on the COVID-19
Health Situation in Russia [T]
Vladimir Putin: On the Donbas Problem and in
the Situation in Ukraine [T]
Vladimir Putin: Speech to the Nation
Announcing Military Operation in Ukraine [T]
Vladimir Putin: Address to the 7th Eastern
Economic Forum [T]
Vladimir Putin: Post Shanghai Cooperation
Summit News Conference [T]
Vladimir Putin: Address to the Nation on
Reservist Mobilization [T]
Vladimir Putin: Address to the Nation on the
Wagner Rebellion and Civil War [T]
Vladimir Putin: Address to the Nation on the
End of the
Wagner Rebellion [T]
Vladimir Putin: Interview with Tucker Carlson
Vladimir Putin: Press Remarks Following
Russia-China Talks
Vladimir Putin: Joint Press Remarks with DPRK
Chairman Kim Jong Un
Vladimir Putin: News Conference Following BRIC
16 Summit
Vladimir Putin: On Ukraine's Long-Range
Missile Deployment
Voices of the 20th Century
[T] [A]
Voices of the Holocaust (Illinois Institute of
Technology) [T]
Voice of America
Voice of America Interview:
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: State of the Nation 2021
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On the Unity Ukrainian
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Speech to the 58th Munich
Security Conference
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Appeal to the Russian
People on Imminent Russian Invasion
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Speech to the People of
Ukraine at Outset of Russian Invasion
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Nation on
Day 2 of Russian
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the European
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: 'You Have to Fight' Address to the
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the People on
International Women's Day
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the British
[T] [A]
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On U.S. Import Ban on Oil
from Russia
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Sejm of
the Republic of Poland
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Canada
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the U.S.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to German
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to Knesset of
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to People of
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to Italian
Chamber of Deputies
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the French
Parliament and Paris Council
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Japan
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Nations of
the World
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address at NATO Emergency
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address at the Group of
Seven Summit
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Riksdag of
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the European
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Denmark
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Supreme
Legislature of Norway
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Belgium
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of the Netherlands
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Australia
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Romania
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the United
Nations Security Council
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Cortes
Generales of Spain
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Ireland
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Greece
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Cyprus
House of Representatives
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Finland
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the National
Assembly of South Korea
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Lithuania
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Estonia
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Portugal
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to a World Bank
Ministerial Roundtable
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Albania
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Ukraine
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Iceland
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address at the Chatham
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to G7 Conference
of Leaders
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Slovak
Republic National Council
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Atlantic
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the American
Association of Universities
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the 75th
Cannes International Film Festival
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the World
Economic Forum in Davos
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Latvia
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Foreign
Policy Community of Indonesia
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Luxembourg
Chamber of Deputies
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address at the United24
Platform in Washington, D.C.
[T] [A]
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to Students at
Leading British Universities
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Full
Parliament of the Czech Republic
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Bureau of
the African Union Assembly
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to Community of
Major Education Institutions in Israel
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the 2022 NATO
Summit in Madrid
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Parliament
of Slovenia
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the
International Churchill Society
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: To UN Security Council
Following Chaplyne Station Attack
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the 77th
Session of the UN General Assembly
[T] [A]
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Indigenous
Peoples of Russia
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the
Organization of American States
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to G7 Summit
Following Russian Missile Attacks
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On a 10-Point Peace
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Second Address to the
U.S. Congress
[T] [A]
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Christmas Greetings to
Western Rite Orthodox Christians
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Nation On
Corruption and Justice
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the National
Association of State Chambers
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to Both Houses of
the UK Parliament
[T] [A]
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the European
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On the One Year
Anniversary of Russian Aggression
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the National
Congress of Chile
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Congress
of the United Mexican States
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Discurso ante el Congreso
de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the States
General of the Netherlands
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Arab
League Summit 2023
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the People of
Japan at the G7 Hiroshima Summit
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On Dismissal of Regional
Military Commissars
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Announcing Replacement of
National Defense Minister
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the 78th
Session of the UN General Assembly
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Second Address to the
Parliament of Canada
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On New U.S. Military
Support Package
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: A Global Peace Summit
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the National
Assembly of France
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Second Address to the
German Bundestag
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Address to the Inaugural
Ukraine Summit for Peace
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: On the Deployment of
U.S.-Made F-16 Fighter Jets
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: 79th United Nations
General Assembly Address
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Joint NATO Presser with
SecGen Rutte
[T] [A]
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: 2025 Munich Security
Conference Address
Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Speech Following Meeting
with U.S. Envoy Kellogg
Walt Disney: Disneyland Opening Day Dedication
Walter Payton: Pro Football Hall of Fame
Induction Speech
Warren Christopher: Oslo 2 Signing Ceremony
[T] [A]
Warren G. Harding: "Readjustment" [T]
Wayne LaPierre: NRA Press Conference on
"National School Shield"
[T] [A]
Wendy Sherman: Iran Nuclear Deal Press
[T] [A]
Wesley Autrey: Speech Accepting the CNN 'Everyday Hero' Award
Wess Mitchell: Marshall Plan Commemoration
Address [T] [A]
Wess Mitchell: Heritage Foundation Address on
the Western Alliance [T]
Weston Showalter: Press Statement on the
Abducted Missionaries in Haiti
[T] [A]
Weston Showalter: On the Escape and Return of
the Abducted Missionaries
William Barr: International Conference on
Cybersecurity Keynote
William Barr: Address on Religious Liberty at
the University of Notre Dame [T]
William Barr: Olson Memorial Lecture
to the Federalist Society [T] [A]
William Barr: Final Report on the Pensacola
Air Station Shootings [T]
William Barr: Statement on Religious Practice
and Social Distancing [T]
William Barr: China Policy Address at the
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum [T]
William Borah: Against the League of Nations [T]
William Ellery Channing: Unitarian Christianity
William F. Buckley: Reflections on Current Contentions
F. Hooley: Gettysburg Address
Fallon: Retirement Statement
Faulkner: Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
William J.
Clinton Presidential Library +++
William J.
Clinton Presidential Library YouTube Channel
William J. Clinton:
1992 Democratic National Convention Speech
William J.
Clinton: Speech to the Nation on Somalia
William J.
Clinton: Address at the Church of God in Christ in Memphis
William J.
Clinton: 1995 State of the Union Address
William J.
Clinton: Oklahoma Bombing Memorial Address
William J.
Clinton: Oslo II Interim Agreement Signing Speech
William J. Clinton:
Memorial Address for Yitzhak Rabin
William J. Clinton:
Announces U.S. Government Shutdown
[T] [A]
William J. Clinton:
1996 State of the Union Address
[T] [A]
William J. Clinton: FDR Memorial Dedication Address [T] [A]
William J. Clinton:
Little Rock Nine 40th Anniversary Address
William J. Clinton:
"I Have Sinned" [T][ A]
William J.
Clinton: Announcement of 1998 Iraq Air Strikes [T]
William J.
Clinton: Address to the Russian Duma
William J.
Clinton: Congressional Gold Medal for Rosa Parks [T]
William J. Clinton:
2001 Presidential Farewell Address
William J. Clinton:
2004 Democratic National Convention Speech
William J. Clinton:
Tribute to Ed Bradley
William J. Clinton:
2008 Democratic National Convention Speech
William J. Clinton:
Eulogy for Robert Byrd
William J. Clinton:
2012 Democratic National Convention Speech
William J. Clinton:
Muhammad Ali Memorial Service Address
William J. Lynn III: Speech on DOD Cyber
William Jennings Bryan: "Cross of
William Jennings Bryan:
"Against Imperialism
William Jennings Bryan:
White Man's Burden"
William Jennings Bryan: Psalm 23
William Lane Craig (university apologetic debates on
God) [T]
William Lane Craig: "God and Cosmology"
William Lane Craig: "The Absurdity of Life without God"
William Lane Craig: "The Absurdity of Life without God"
{Adm.) William "Dean" Lee: National Day of Prayer
William McKinley: Pan-American Exposition Speech
William Ruto: Carter Center Address on Global
William Ruto: 2024 White House Joint Presser
Opening Remarks
William Seeley: NJ Powerball Lottery Press
Conference Remarks
Churchill Selected Speeches
Winston Churchill Audio Archive
Winston Churchill: "Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat"
Winston Churchill: "Be Ye Men of Valour" (First Speech as
PM) [T]
Winston Churchill: "Master's of our Fate" to Congress
Winston Churchill: Iron Curtain Speech
Winston Churchill: "A United States of Europe"
Woodrow Wilson: First Presidential Inaugural Address
Woodrow Wilson: War Message
Woodrow Wilson: The Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilson: Final Address in Support of
the League of Nations
World Health Organization Speeches
World Wide
Internet TV
Yad Vashem: Holocaust and Related Speeches
Yamini Ravindran: Ministerial to Advance
Religious Freedom Remarks
Yitzhak Rabin: Hebrew University Address at
Mt. Scopus Following Six-Day War
Yitzhak Rabin: Hebrew University Address at
Mt. Scopus Following Six-Day War
Yitzhak Rabin: Hebrew University Address at
Mt. Scopus Following Six-Day War
Yitzhak Rabin: Address to a Joint Session of
the U.S. Congress
Yitzhak Rabin: Oslo II Interim Agreement
Signing Speech
Yoav Gallant: Speech Following Dismissal as
Israel Defense Minister
Yoon Suk Yeol: Address to a Joint Session of
the U.S. Congress
Young-Key Kim-Renaud: "I Remember"
Yulia Navalnaya: EU Parliament Address
Following Death of Husband
Al-Suwaij: 2004 RNConvention Address
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Prospects and Changes in
the Former Soviet Union
Zell Miller: 2004 RNConvention Address
Zell Miller: Farewell to the U.S. Senate
Speeches A-F
Speeches G-L
Speeches M-R |