Speeches A-F
Get Speeches M-R
Speeches S-Z
Gabriel Latner: Affirmative Debate -- "Israel
is a Rogue State"
Gabriel Rufián Romero: Address at Plenary
Session 246 on Government Censure
Gabriel Rufián Romero: Discurso a la Sesión
Plenaria n° 246h
Gabriel Sterling: "Mr. President...this has to
Garry Reid: On Vetting Protocols for
International Military Students
Gamal Abdel Nassar: Radio Broadcast Announcing
Presidential Resignation
(Pastor) Gary Brandenburg: Fellowship Dallas
Genetic Nondiscrimination Act
Geoffrey Pyatt: Foreign Press Briefing on U.S.
Energy Security Policy
King George: First Radio Address [T]
George M. Church: On
the Future of Genomics and Synthetic Biology [T]
George Clooney: U.N. Security
Council Address on Darfur
George Clooney: Oscar Acceptance
for Best Supporting Actor
George C. Marshall Speeches
George C. Marshall: The Marshall Plan
George C. Marshall: 1948 United Nations
¶ George Herbert Walker Bush
Presidential Library +++
George Herbert Walker Bush: 1988 RNC Address
[T] [A]
George Herbert Walker Bush: Inaugural Address
[T] [A]
George Herbert Walker Bush: Panama Invasion
[T] [A]
George Herbert Walker Bush: OP Desert Shield
-- Saudi Arabia Defense Address
[T] [A]
George Herbert Walker Bush: OP Desert Storm --
Kuwait Liberation Address
[T] [A]
George Herbert Walker Bush: Suspension of
Operation Desert Storm
[T] [A]
George Herbert Walker Bush: Address at the
Supreme Soviet Building in Kyiv
[T] [A]
George Herbert Walker Bush: 1991 Speech to the
United Nations
[T] [A]
George Herbert Walker Bush: Pearl Harbor 50th
Anniversary Ceremony
[T] [A]
George Herbert Walker Bush: Speech to the
Nation on Somalia Relief Efforts
[T] [A]
George Herbert Walker Bush:
Memorial for Ronald
[T] [A]
P. Shultz: "Terrorism and the Modern World" [T]
P. Shultz: "Space Station Freedom" Agreement Signing Address [T] [A]
P. Shultz: Memorial Remarks for Christopher Stevens
Washington: Thanksgiving Day Proclamation
George W. Bush Speeches
[T] [A]
George W. Bush: Archived Presidential Web Site
[T] [A]
George W. Bush: White House Officially
Selected Speeches
Whitefield Sermons [T]
Geraldine Ferraro: 1984 VP Nomination
Acceptance Address
[T] [A]
Gerald R. Ford:
Joint Report to Congress on the New China
Gerald R. Ford:
Pardon of Richard Nixon
[T] [A]
Gerald R. Ford:
Oath of Office for the U.S. Presidency
[T] [A]
German Propaganda Archive
(Calvin College)
*** [T]
Gertrude Himmelfarb: The
Re-Moralization of Society
Address (w/ Audio Readings by Various Artists)
[T] [A]
Gia Chacon: Address to the First March for the
Martyrs Rally
Gifts of Speech: Women's
Speeches Around the World (Archived)
Giorgia Meloni: Address to the World
Congress of Families
G.K. Chesterton & The Mercury Theatre: The Man
Who Was Thursday (scroll to)
G.K. Chesterton: "Everlasting Man" ("
G.K. Chesterton: "Everlasting Man"
G.K. Chesterton: "Orthodoxy" (Gutenberg)
Beck: Restoring Honor Rally Keynote Speech
¶ (Gen)
Glen VanHerck: Press Briefing with John Kirby on Operation Allies
Meir: White House Reception Address
Brown: Speech to a Joint Session of Congress
Gordon Sinclair: "The Americans"
of Leontini: Encomium of Helen
(Freeman Edition)
Greatest Political Speeches of the 20th Century
Great Speeches of the 21st Century
Speeches: The History Place
Greg Abbott: Texas COVID-19 Disaster
Greg Abbott: Texas COVID-19 Stay at Home
Executive Order [T]
Greg Abbott: Texas COVID-19 Face Covering
Executive Order [T]
Greg Abbott: Executive Order GA-40 (On COVID
Mandates) [T]
Greg Abbott: Letter to President Biden on
Immigration Policy Enforcement [T]
Greg Abbott: Third Gubernatorial Inaugural
Address [T]
Greg Abbott: Letter to President Biden on
Title IX Changes [T]
Greg Abbott: Press Conference on Tren de
Aragua [T]
Greg Laurie:
Sermons/Homilies) [T]
Greta van Susteren: Interview with Dr. Francis
Collins on COVID-19 Vaccine [T]
Gulchehra Hoja: Written Testimony to Congress
on Radio Free Asia's Uyghur Service [T]
Haile Selassie: Address to the United Nations
General Assembly [T] [A]
Halle Berry: 2002 Oscar Award Best Actress
Address [T]
Hank Aaron: Congratulatory Address to Barry
Bonds [T] [A]
Hank Taylor & John Kirby: DOD Briefing
Following Kabul Airport Attack [T] [A]
Belafonte: Hersholt Humanitarian Award Acceptance [T]
(Prince) Harry Charles David of Wales: Eulogy
for Princess Diana
(Lt. Gen.) Harry M. Wyatt IIII: 45th Infantry
Brigade Deployment [T]
Harry S.
Truman: Historic Speeches
Harry S. Truman: Announces Germany's Surrender
Harry S. Truman: Radio Speech on the Potsdam Conference
Harry S. Truman: Announces Japan's Surrender
¶ Harry
S. Truman: "The Truman Doctrine"
¶ Harry
S. Truman: Address to the NAACP
Harry S. Truman:
1948 Democratic National Convention Acceptance
[A] [V]
Harry S. Truman:
Presidential Inaugural Address
Harry S. Truman: Farewell Address
Law Forum Classics (YouTube)
Diab: Resignation Address Following Beirut Explosions
Heather Wilson: Space Symposium 35 Address [T]
Henrique Meirelles: Rio 2016 Final Speech to
the IOC [T]
Henry Clay: Compromise Measures of 1850
Henry Kissinger: Eulogy for Richard Nixon
Henry Kissinger: 45th Munich Security
Conference Remarks
Henry Kissinger: U.S. Diplomacy Center Ceremony
Address [T]
Henry Wallace: Free World Association Dinner
Address [T]
Herb Morrison: Radio broadcast of the
Hindenburg Crash [T]
Herod the Great: Speech to
the Jews On the Arabian War
Herzi Halevi: IDF Chief of General Staff
Resignation Letter
R. Clinton: Speeches as First Lady
R. Clinton: 1969 Wellesley Commencement Speech
Hillary R.
Clinton: UN 4th World Conference in Beijing
R. Clinton: 1996 DNC Address ("It Takes a Village") [T]
R. Clinton: On the Universal Declaration of Universal Human Rights
R. Clinton: 2008 Presidential Campaign Suspension Speech
R. Clinton: 2008 Democratic National Convention Speech
R. Clinton: Speech on Human Rights Agenda for 21st Century
R. Clinton: UN Commission on the Status of Women
R. Clinton: Presser on Wikileaks Documents Release
R. Clinton: Internet Policy Speech at Newseum
R. Clinton: Internet Policy Speech at GW University
R. Clinton: Press Conference on Libya and Res. 1973
R. Clinton: Press Conference on Libya and Res. 1970 & 1973
R. Clinton: APEC Women and the Economy Keynote
R. Clinton: LBGT Dignity and Human Rights
R. Clinton: Speech to Ministerial Conf on Internet Freedom
R. Clinton: On the Deaths of U.S. Personnel in Benghazi, Libya
R. Clinton: Benghazi Victim Transfer of Remains Ceremony
R. Clinton: Common Ground Speech Honoring Chris Stephens
R. Clinton: 2016 Democratic Nomination Acceptance
R. Clinton: 2016 Presidential Campaign Concession
Hillel Neuer: United Nations Human Rights
Council Address
Hindenburg Crash
(Herbert Morrison's original radio broadcast) [T]
Princess Takamado: Address to the IOC on Behalf of Japan [T]
Howard Schmidt: U.S. COC Cybersecurity Summit Speech
Hosni Mubarak: Oslo II Interim Agreement Signing Speech
H.R. McMaster: Norwich ROTC Centennial Symposium Address
H.R. McMaster: White House Statement on Venezuela
H.R. McMaster: Address to the 54th Munich Security
Hubert H.
Humphrey: 1948 DNC Address [T]
Hubert H.
Humphrey: 1964 DNC Address [T]
Huey P.
Long: Every Man King Radio Speech [T]
Huey P.
Long: Speech to Staff at the Washington Press Club
[T] [A]
Huey P.
Long: Share Our Wealth Radio Speech [T]
Huey P.
Long: St. Vitus Dance Government Radio Speech [T] [A]
Huey P.
Long: A Fair Deal for the Veterans Radio Speech [T] [A]
Chavez: Address to the United Nations General Assembly [T] [A]
Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund PSA by 5 Living
Former Presidents [T]
McKellen: Shakespeare's Sir Thomas Moore, Act II, Scene IV
Wexler: 2004 DNConvention Address
Omar: First US House of Representatives Floor Speech
Addresses of the Presidents (Washington to Obama)
Moodsetta On-Air Resignation from WBLX Radio
International Atomic
Energy Agency Director Speeches [V]
International Atomic Energy Agency: November
2024 Resolution on Iran Nuclear Program
Monetary Fund Speeches (1994-Present)
[T] [V]
Internet Archive ***
[T] [A]
Isaac Herzog: Statement to the Press
Isaac Herzog: Address to a Joint
Meeting of the U.S. Congress
¶ Islamic
¶ Israel
Declaration of Independence (English)
Iván Duque Márquez: Presidential
Inaugural Address (English)
Iván Duque Márquez: Discurso de
Posesión del Presidente de la Colombia
Jacinda Ardern: Parliament Statement on
Christchurch Mosque Attack [T]
Jacinda Ardern: National Memorial Speech for
Christchurch Victims [T]
Jacinda Ardern: Parliament Statement on
COVID-19 Economics [T]
Jacinda Ardern: Address to the Nation on
COVID-19 Alert System [T]
Jacinda Ardern: Address to the Nation
Announcing Level 4 Lockdown
Jacinda Ardern: Address to Parliament on Level 4 Lockdown
Jacinda Ardern: Resignation Address
Jack Dorsey: Opening Statement to Congress on
Twitter Accountability [T]
Jackie Robinson: Baseball Hall of Fame
Induction Address [T]
Jack Lambert: Pro Football Hall of Fame
Induction Address [T]
Jack Lambert: Pro Football Hall of Fame
Induction Address
Jack Smith: On National Security Fed Indictment
Against Donald J. Trump
Jack Smith: On Voter Disenfranchisement Fed Indictment
Against Donald J. Trump
Jake Sullivan: Presser on President Biden's
First Foreign Trip
Jake Sullivan: White House Presser on U.S.
Withdrawal in Afghanistan
Jake Sullivan: August 2024 Press Conference in
Jameis Winston: Heisman Award Acceptance
James A. Baker: Eulogy for George H.W. Bush
¶ James
Billington: 1989 Address to the National Press Club [T]
(Col) James
Blackburn: Address to 2D Stryker Cavalry [T]
James Clapper: Bipartisan Policy Center
Address and Q&A
James B. Comey: FBI Director Installation
Address [T]
James B. Comey: Brookings Institution 'Going
Dark' Speech [T]
James B. Comey: Address on Law Enforcement and
James B. Comey: Statement on the Orlando Mass
James B. Comey: On the Investigation into Sec
Clinton's Use of Personal E-mail
Earl Jones: White House Performance of Othello [T]
Inhofe: Senate Speech on Global Warming and the Media [T]
(Gen.) James Mattis: Iraq Invasion Eve of
Battle Letter to Troops
(Gen.) James Mattis: On Leadership Lessons
(Gen.) James Mattis: First Pentagon Speech as
(Gen.) James Mattis: Joint Press Briefing with
Minister Inada of Japan
(Gen.) James Mattis: First NATO Press
(Gen.) James Mattis: First Munich Security
Conference Address
(Gen.) James Mattis: U.S. Military Academy
Cadet Graduation Speech
(Gen.) James Mattis: Marshall Plan
Commemoration Ceremony Address
(Gen.) James Mattis: 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony
(Gen.) James Mattis: On U.S. National Security
Policy at Johns Hopkins
(Gen.) James Mattis: Post NATO Briefing to
(Gen.) James Mattis: Virginia Military
Institute Address
(Gen.) James Mattis: Bells of Balangiga Return
(Gen.) James Mattis: Letter of Resignation as
U.S. Secretary of Defense
James McDonald: CFTC Enforcement Perspective
James McGreevey (Gov. New Jersey): Resignation
James Taylor: Berklee Music School
Commencement Address
James Taylor: Berklee Music School
Commencement Address
(Adm.) James Winnefeld: 6th Annual Joint Warfighting IT
Day Speech
Jamie Foxx: "Let Freedom Ring" Ceremony Speech
(Capt) Jamie Frederick: Press Remarks on SAR
Activity for Titan Submersible
Jan Brewer: On Signing Arizona Senate Bill
Jane Thomason: National Nurses United COVID-19
Janet Napolitano: Address to the Council on
Foreign Relations
Janet Napolitano: 2nd Annual State of U.S.
Homeland Security
Janet Napolitano: Presser on Sequestration and
the DHS
Janet Yellen: American University Address On
Digital Assets
Janet Yellen: Atlantic Council Address on the
Global Economy
Janet Yellen: Johns Hopkins Address on
US-China Economic Relations
Janet Yellen: Roundtable Remarks to U.S.
Business Reps Operating in China
Janet Yellen: On New Housing Availability and
Affordability Measures
Jared Kushner & Robert O'Brien: Briefing on
Israel-UAE Agreement
Jasper Rine: To UC Berkeley
Students on Laptop Computer Theft
Javier Milei: Presidential Speeches in Spanish
Javier Milei: President-Elect Victory Speech
Javier Milei: Presidential Inaugural Address
Javier Milei: Address at the 54th World
Economic Forum
Javier Milei: Milken Institute Address
Javier Milei: Address to the 79th Session of
the UN General Assembly
Jawaharlal Nehru: "Tryst With Destiny" Address [T]
Jay Paterno: Eulogy Address at the Public
Memorial for Joe Paterno
J.C. Watts, Jr: 1996 RNConvention Address
J.C. Watts, Jr: "A Call to Arms"
Watts, Jr: "Three Lies"
Watts, Jr: "Keeping America Competitive"
JD Vance: Panel Remarks at the 2024 Munich
Security Conference
JD Vance: Address to the 2025 Munich
Security Conference
Jean Chrétien: 9/11
National Day of Mourning Speech [T]
Jeanette Manfra: On WannaCry Malware and North
Korea Attribution [T]
Jean Kirkpatrick: UN Ambassador Confirmation
Statement [T]
Jean Kirkpatrick: UN Security Council Remarks
on USSR Downing of KAL 007 [T]
Jean Kirkpatrick: 1984 RNC Address [T]
Jeff Bardin: Treadstone 71 Cyber
Counterintelligence Doctrine [T]
Jeff Bezos: Opening Statement to Congress on
Amazon Antitrust [T]
Jeff Bridges: Oscar Award for Best Male Lead
Acceptance [T]
Jeff Daniels: Gettysburg Address [T]
Jeff Flake: Senate Floor Speech Announcing
Retirement [T]
Jeff Flake: Senate Floor Speech on Truth,
Power, and the Free Press [T]
Jeff Flake: Senate Floor Speech on Human
Decency [T]
Jeff Moss: The Story of DEFCON [T]
Jeff Rosen: On the Purdue Pharma Prosecution
Outcomes [T]
Jeff Sessions: Senate Floor Speech on Rosa
Parks Gold Medal [T]
Jeff Sessions: Attorney General Swearing-In
Ceremony Speech [T]
Jeff Sessions: Recusal Press Conference [T]
Jeff Sessions: Senate Intelligence Committee
Opening Statement [T]
Jeff Sessions: Statement on Classified
Information Leaking [T]
Jeff Sessions: DACA Cessation Briefing [T]
Jeff Sessions: Free Speech Address at
Georgetown University [T]
Jeff Sessions: California Peace Officers
Association Speech [T]
Davis Speeches [T]
Davis: 1858 Speeches Delivered in Mississippi [T]
Davis: 1861 Inaugural Address
Jehan Sadat: National Press Club Address
Homendy: Call to Action on 5-Year Anniversary of MV Conception
Psaki: First Press Briefing as White House Press Secretary
Psaki: WH Presser Announcing US Diplomatic Boycott of Winter
Jens Stoltenberg: Norway Bombing Tragedy
Memorial Speech
Jens Stoltenberg:
Oxford Union Address and Q&A [T]
Jens Stoltenberg:
NATO Engages: Brussels Summit Dialogue 2018 [T]
Jens Stoltenberg:
Address to a Joint Meeting of the U.S. Congress [T]
Jens Stoltenberg:
NATO Briefing on Tensions in the Middle East [T]
Jens Stoltenberg:
NATO Briefing on Afghanistan [T]
Jens Stoltenberg:
Kissinger Award Tribute Address for Gen. James Mattis [T]
Jens Stoltenberg:
Presser on NATO Proposals to Russia re Ukraine [T]
Jens Stoltenberg:
Joint Presser w Boris Johnson on NATO Proposals to Russia
Jens Stoltenberg:
NATO Announcement of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
Jens Stoltenberg:
Presser on New NATO Measures in Support of Ukraine
Jens Stoltenberg:
NATO 2022 Madrid Summit Final Presser [T]
Jens Stoltenberg:
Remarks at Finland Accession to NATO Ceremony [T]
Jens Stoltenberg:
Post NATO-Ukraine Commission Meeting Presser [T]
Jens Stoltenberg:
On Turkey-Sweden Agreement on NATO [T]
Jens Stoltenberg:
On New NATO Ukraine Package
Jens Stoltenberg:
Closing Presser Following NATO Summit Vilnius
Jens Stoltenberg:
Presser on NATO Ally Financial Contributions
Jens Stoltenberg:
Ceremony Remarks on Sweden Accession to NATO
Jens Stoltenberg: NATO 75 Washington Summit Address
Jens Stoltenberg: Final
German Marshall Fund Address
Jeong Seung-jo: 60 Year U.S.-Korean Armistice Agreement Address [T]
¶ Jeremiah Wright: Address to the National Press
¶ Jeremy Rifkin: "The BioTech Century"
Jerica Lamar: Texas A&M Address on U.S.
Foreign Service
Jerome Powell: Federal Reserve June 2020
Opening Statement
Jerome Powell:
Jackson Hole Symposium Address 2022
Jerry Brown: California Gubernatorial
Inauguration Address
Jerry Seinfeld: 2007 Oscar Presentation for
Best Documentary
Jesse Jackson
Jesse Jackson: 1984
DNC Address [T]
Jesse Jackson: 1988 DNC
Jesse Jackson: Jackie Robinson Congressional
Gold Medal Address [T]
Jesse Ventura:
Minnesota Gubernatorial Inaugural Address
Lynch: Opening Statement to the House Oversight Committee
Rosenworcel: FCC Statement in Support of Net Neutrality
Jesus of Nazareth: Sermon on the Mount
Elliot: "Resurrection" Radio Sermon
Garrison: Lectures and Interviews on the JFK Assassination
Getty: Gettysburg Address
Jimmy Carter:
1974 Georgia Law Day Address
Jimmy Carter:
1976 DNC Address
Jimmy Carter:
Undelivered Energy Speech
Jimmy Carter: Crisis of
Confidence [T]
Jimmy Carter: 1980 State of the Union Address
Carter: 2002 Havana Address to the People of Cuba
Jimmy Carter:
2004 DNC Address
Jimmy Swaggart: Apology Sermon [T]
Jim Valvano: 1993 ESPY Award Address
Jim Wright: (D-Tex): Resignation Address
J. K. Rowling: Harvard University Commencement
Joachim Gauck: Bundestag Federal Convention
Address (German)
Joachim Gauck: Bundestag Federal Convention
Address (English)
Joe Biden: Eulogy for Strom Thurmond
Joe Biden: 2008 Democratic National Convention
Joe Biden: 2009 Munich Security Conference
Joe Biden: 2013 American-Israel Public Affairs
Committee Speech
Joe Biden: Speech on Not Running for U.S.
President [T]
Joe Biden: John Glenn Public Memorial Address
Joe Biden: Presidential Medal of Freedom
Acceptance Address [T]
Joe Biden: On the Incoming Administration's
COVID-19 Relief Strategy [T]
Joe Biden: Presidential Inaugural Address
Joe Biden: "America's Place in the World"
Joe Biden: Remarks on the Military Takeover in
Joe Biden: Address at a Pfizer Manufacturing
Joe Biden: On the Coronavirus Anniversary
(First Prime Time Address)
Joe Biden: Speech on Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan
Joe Biden: Speech on Bilateral Relations With
and Sanctions Against Russia [T]
Joe Biden: Address to the Nation on the Derek
Chauvin Trial Verdict
Joe Biden: First Presidential Address to a
Joint Sessions of Congress [T]
Joe Biden: Address to USAF Personnel at
Mildenhall [T]
Joe Biden: Voting Rights Speech at the
National Constitution Center [T]
Joe Biden: Address to the Nation on the
Revolution in Afghanistan [T]
Joe Biden: Address on COVID-19 Booster Shot [T]
Joe Biden: Press Conference on Ongoing
Evacuation Efforts in Afghanistan
Joe Biden: On Tropical Storm Henri and
Afghanistan Evacuation Efforts Update
Joe Biden: On "Build Back Better" and
Afghanistan Evacuation Efforts Update
Joe Biden: Press Briefing Following the Kabul
Airport Attack [T]
Joe Biden: Speech to the Nation on the End of
the War in Afghanistan [T]
Joe Biden: Address to the 76th Meeting of the
United Nations General Assembly [T]
Joe Biden: AUKUS Trilateral Security Pact
Announcement [T]
Joe Biden: On the Threat of a Russian
Incursion into Ukraine [T]
Joe Biden: First State of the Union Address [T]
Joe Biden: Warsaw Address [T]
Joe Biden: Joint Jerusalem Press Conference
with Yair Lapid [T]
Joe Biden: On the Death of Ayman al-Zawahiri
Joe Biden: UN General Assembly 77th Session
Joe Biden: Second State of the Union Address
Joe Biden: Warsaw Speech on Russian Invasion
of Ukraine After One Year
Joe Biden: Oval Office Address on Bipartisan
Budget Agreement
Joe Biden: Statement on Hamas-Led Terrorist
Attack Against Israel
Joe Biden: Oval Office Address on Israel-Hamas
and Russia-Ukraine Wars
Joe Biden: Address On the Death of Aleksey
Navalny [T]
Joe Biden: Third State of the Union
Address [T]
Joe Biden: Remarks on Recent College Campus
Unrest [T]
Joe Biden: Announcing Tripartite Plan for
Peace on Gaza [T]
Joe Biden: Remarks on Border Security Pending
Executive Order [T]
Joe Biden: Letter on Not Seeking Presidential
Re-election [T]
Joe Biden: Address to the Nation on Not
Seeking Re-Election
Joe Biden: Address to the 79th Session of the
UN General Assembly
Joe Biden: On the 2024 Presidential Election
Joe Biden: On Israel-Hezbollah Ceasefire
Joe Biden: On Israel-Hezbollah Ceasefire
and Hostage Exchange Agreement
Joe Biden: Farewell Address to the Nation
Joe Lieberman: 2008 Republican National
Convention Speech
Joe Lieberman: Farewell Address to
the U.S. Senate [T]
Bel Edwards: Address to the State On the Louisiana Budget Crisis
Bercow: On Inviting President Trump to Address both Houses of
Bercow: Resignation from Parliament Address
Boehner: Response to President's Deficit Reduction Plan
Bolton: Address to the Federalist Society
Bolton: On U.S. Withdrawal From Optional Vienna Protocols
Brennan: Security Review Stmt re 12-25-09 Terrorist Attempt
Brennan: Council on Foreign Relations Opening and Q&A
(Gen.) John Campbell: ISAF-Resolute Support Ceremony Speech
[T] [A]
John C. Calhoun: The Clay Compromise Measures
(Rep) John Carter (Texas-31)
John Cornyn (Republican Senator, Texas)
John Cornyn: Senate Floor Speech on U.S.
Delegation Visit to Mexico
[T] [A]
D. Rockefeller, Jr: United War Work Campaign
[T] [A]
John Denver: Senate Opening Statement on Rock Music Lyrics [T]
John Dunne:
"Death's Duel" (final sermon)
John F. Kennedy
Speeches +++ [T]
John F. Kennedy:
Press Statement on Harry Truman's Criticism of Candidacy
John F. Kennedy:
1960 DNC Acceptance Address
John F. Kennedy:
Houston Ministerial Assoc. Speech [T]
John F. Kennedy:
Q&A with Houston Ministerial Assoc. Speech [T]
John F. Kennedy:
Opening Statement, 1st Debate with Richard Nixon
John F. Kennedy/Richard M. Nixon Debates
John F. Kennedy:
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Address
John F. Kennedy:
Presidential Inaugural Address [T]
John F. Kennedy:
Announces Peace Corps Executive Order [T]
John F. Kennedy:
Latin American Diplomatic Corps Speech [T]
John F. Kennedy: Address to the Society of
Newspaper Editors
John F. Kennedy: Address to the American
Newspaper Publishers
John F. Kennedy: Joint Session Speech on
Urgent National Needs
John F. Kennedy: First Address to the U.N.
General Assembly
John F. Kennedy: Veterans Day Address
John F. Kennedy: Address at the La Morita
Resettlement in Caracas
John F. Kennedy: Tribute to General Douglas
John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Anniversary Dinner
John F. Kennedy: John Glenn Mercury 6 Mission
John F. Kennedy: Voice of America 20th
Anniversary Address
John F. Kennedy: West Point Commencement
John F. Kennedy: Yale University Commencement
John F. Kennedy: Independence Hall Address
John F. Kennedy: Address to the Nation on the
State of the Economy
John F. Kennedy: Rice University Address on
Space Program
John F. Kennedy: On James Meredith and the
University of Mississippi
John F. Kennedy: Cuban Missile Crisis Address
John F. Kennedy: Address to the Economic Club
of New York
John F. Kennedy: Q & A Following NY Economic Club
John F. Kennedy: Vanderbilt University
Convocation Address
John F. Kennedy: Winston Churchill U.S.
Citizen Proclamation
John F. Kennedy: American Univ. Commencement Address [T]
John F. Kennedy: Civil Rights Address
John F. Kennedy: "Ich bin ein Berliner" [T]
John F. Kennedy: Speech to the Irish
Parliament [T]
John F. Kennedy: U.S. Air Force Academy
Commencement Speech [T]
John F. Kennedy: Final Address to the United Nations
General Assembly [T]
John F. Kennedy: Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Address to the Nation [T]
John F. Kennedy: Speech at the Mormon
Tabernacle [T]
John F. Kennedy: San Antonio Aerospace Health
Center Address [T]
John F. Kennedy: Forth Worth COCommerce (last
delivered speech)
John F. Kennedy: Undelivered
Speech to the Dallas Citizens Council [T]
Henry Newman: The Idea of a University [T]
Hutton: Remarks at the 45 Munich Security Conference [T]
(Gen.) John Kelly; Gold Star Family Outreach
Briefing [T]
John Kerry: Senate Foreign Relations Comm.
Opening Statement
Kerry: 2004 DNConvention Acceptance Address [T]
Kerry: Presidential Candidacy Concession Speech
Kerry: Remarks on the Death of Anne Smedinghoff [T]
Kerry: Tokyo Address on a 21st Century Pacific Partnership
Kerry: On Chemical Atrocities in Syria
Kerry: UN Human Rights Council 28th Session Address
Kerry: Transpacific Trade Pact Speech at Boeing
Kerry: Iran Accord Announcement and Presser
Kerry: Opening Statement to Congress on Iran Nuclear Accord
Kerry: U.S. Embassy in Cuba Flag Raising Ceremony Speech
Kerry: Iran Nuclear Agreement at Constitution Center
Kerry: COP21 Plenary Session Remarks
Kerry: On Implementation Day and US Detainee Releases
Kerry: Statement on Daesh and Genocide
Kerry: Vietnam War Summit Keynote Speech
Kerry: COP 22 Address
Kerry: Israel-Palestine Two-State Solution Speech
Kirby: Presser on the Downing of MH17
Kirby: Presser Announcing Neptune Strike '22
L. Lewis: Labor and the Nation [T]
(Rep) John
Lewis: House Floor Speech on Voting Rights Act Reauthorization [T]
(Rep) John
Lewis: Edmund Pettus Bridge Speech [T]
John M.
Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs
(RDML) John
Mauger: Statement on the fate of the Titan Submersible
McCain: Liberty University Commencement Address
McCain: Virginia Military Institute Address
McCain: Campaign Rally Speech in Louisiana
McCain: Republican Party Presidential Nomination Acceptance
McCain: Concession Speech
McCain: Munich Security Conference Address 2017
McCain: Senate Floor Speech on Health Care Vote [T]
McCain: Liberty Medal Acceptance Address
McCain: Farewell Statement to Americans
McHugh: Marshall Leadership Awards Address [T]
Moolenaar: Remarks to the American Enterprise Institute [T]
Johnny Cash: Gettysburg Address
Johnny Manziel: Heisman Trophy Acceptance
John Piper (Desiring God Ministries)
John Roberts: Opening Statement to the Senate
Judiciary Committee [T]
John Roberts: Cardigan Mountain School
Commencement Address [T]
John Wayne: The Pledge of Allegiance
John Wayne: Remarks in Tribute to Returning
Vietnam POWs
John Wesley Sermons
John Winthrop: A Model of Christian Charity
Kay: "Investigating the Academy in an Age of Censorship"
Sacks: 2013 AIPAC Address
Sacks: 2013 AIPAC Address
Jonathan Smith: Press Briefing on Hayes
Substation Fire
[T] [A]
Jonathon Edwards: "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
Jonathon Edwards: The Manner of Salvation
Edwards: A Farewell Sermon
Jon Leibowitz: Mobile Privacy and Path Social App Settlement Speech
¶ Jon
Meacham: Eulogy for George H.W. Bush
[T] [A]
¶ Jon
Stewart: Commencement Address at William & Mary
[T] [A]
¶ Jon
Stewart: Rally for Sanity Keynote Address
¶ Jon
Stewart: 9/11 First Responders and Victim Compensation Fund
[T] [A]
¶ Jordan
Peterson: Senate of Canada Remarks On Human Rights and Gender
¶ Jorge
Soto: Early Cancer Detection Prototype
José Raúl Mulino: Speech to the Nation on Ownership of the Panama
[T] [V]
¶ Joseph
Dunford: DOD Press Conference August 2019
[T] [A]
Joseph Goebbels
¶ Joseph
P. Aucoin: USS Fitzgerald Collision Presser
[T] [A]
¶ Joseph
R. McCarthy: Against Adlai Stevenson
¶ Joseph
R. McCarthy: Prosecution of Murrow on CBS See It Now
¶ Joseph
R. McCarthy: Exchange with Joseph Welch
[T] [A]
¶ Josh
Hawley: Senate Floor Speech on USSC Bostock Decision
[T] [A]
¶ Josh
Hawley: "The Future of the American Man"
[T] [A]
¶ Josh
Hawley: Letter to US President Requesting National Guard at Columbia
Joss Whedon: Equality Now Tribute Address
[T] [A]
Juan Ponce Enrile: Senate Privilege Speech
Against Miriam Santiago
[T] [A]
Judith Curry: Opening Statement to Congress on
Climate Change
[T] [A]
Julia Abad: Address at the Public Wake for
President Benigno S. Aquino
Julia Gillard: Address to a Joint Session of
[T] [A]
Julia Gillard: State Dinner Toast to Barack
[T] [A]
Julia Gillard: 'Misogyny Speech' to Parliament
[T] [A]
Julio Cesar Strassera: Closing Argument -
Trial of the Juntas
Julius Genachowski: Brookings Institute Speech
[T] [A]
Julius Genachowski: National Mobile Broadband
Plan Speech
Julius Genachowski: FCC Meeting on Connect
[T] [A]
Justin Trudeau: On the Nova Scotia Mass
Justin Trudeau: On Alleged Indian Government
Agents Threat to Public Safety
Justin Trudeau: Address to the Nation on
Ostensible U.S.
Trade Tariffs
Justin Trudeau: Address to the Nation the
Advent of a Trade War with the U.S.
Kamala Harris: National League of Cities
Conference Address
[T] [A]
Kamala Harris: Address on U.S. Indo-Pacific Policy
[T] [A]
Kamala Harris: FCC Released Full Transcript of
CBS Interview
Karin Agness: Conservative Women and the
[T] [A]
Karl Rove: Address to the Federalist Society
[T] [A]
Karoline Leavitt: First Presser as White House
Press Secretary
Karoline Leavitt: Joint Presser with Stephen
Miller Et Al
(Duchess) Kate Middleton: First Official
Public Address
¶ Kate
Tummarello: On Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act
Katherine Oyama: HOR Judiciary Cmte Opening
[T] [A]
Kathleen Blanco: To a Joint Session of
Louisiana State Legislature
[T] [A]
Kathleen Hall Jamieson: Presidential Rhetoric
in the Age of Obama
[T] [A]
Kathleen Hicks: National War College Virtual
[T] [A]
Kathleen Hicks: Address on New Military Tech
and the Replicator Initiative
[T] [A]
Kathleen Sebelius: On the Affordable Care Act
Kathryn Kuhlman
Kay Bailey Hutchison: Texas Gubernatorial Concession
[T] [A]
Kay Bailey Hutchison: 9/11 Remembrance Remarks
at NATO HQ [T] [A]
Kayleigh McEnany: First White House Press
Briefing [T] [A]
Keir Starmer: Remarks Following EU Leaders'
Summit on Ukraine [T]
(General) Keith Alexander: Black Hat
Conference Security Briefing
Keith Olbermann: Eulogy for "Stay
the Course"
Kellyanne Conway: 2017 U.S. March for Life
Rally Speech
Kemi Badenoch: Statement to Parliament on
Black History Month in the UK [T] [A]
Kenesaw Landis: Baseball Museum & Hall of Fame
Dedication Speech
[T] [A]
Kenneth Burke: Drew Seminary Lecture on a
Theory of Terms
[T] [A]
Kenneth Feinberg: Economic Club Address on BP
Oil Spill
[T] [A]
Ketanji Brown Jackson: USSC Nomination
Acceptance Address
[T] [A]
Ketanji Brown Jackson: USSC Confirmation
Hearings Opening Statement
[T] [A]
Kevin Costner: Speech at the Memorial Service
for Whitney Houston
Kevin McCarthy: Address to the Knesset of
[T] [A]
Kevin McCarthy: Statement on Losing
Speakership of the U.S. House
Kim Mulkey: Press Statement Warning the
Washington Post of Legal Action
King Edward VIII: Abdication Speech
[T] [A]
King George VI: First Radio Address
[T] [A]
King Harald V: Norway
Bombing Tragedies (English)
King Harald V: Norway
Bombing Tragedies (Norwegian)
King Hussein of Jordan: Oslo II Interim
Agreement Signing Speech
[T] [A]
King Willem-Alexander: Remembrance Day Address
on the Holocaust
King Willem-Alexander: Speech Apologizing for
Netherlands' Role in Slavery
Kirk Cousins: Big 10 Luncheon Kickoff Speech
Kishida Fumio: Address at Johns Hopkins
Kishida Fumio: Statement to the Press on the Passing of
Abe Shinzō
Kishida Fumio: Official Govt Statement on the
Death of Abe Shinzō
Kishida Fumio: Speech to the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference [T]
Kishida Fumio: Address to the New York Stock
Exchange [T]
Kishida Fumio: Remarks at the State Funeral
for Abe Shinzo [T]
Kishida Fumio: Statement on New National
Defense Strategy & Defense Buildup [T]
Kishida Fumio: Address to the Indian Council
for World Affairs [T]
Kishida Fumio: Address to a Joint Session of
the Philippines Congress [T]
Kishida Fumio: Address to a Joint Session of
the U.S. Congress [T]
Kofi Annan: Dept of Public Information Speech
on Anti-Semitism
Kofi Annan: UN General Assembly Speech on
Syria Peace Plan
Kyriakos Mitsotakis: Remarks at a U.S.
Diplomatic Reception
Kyriakos Mitsotakis: Address to the U.S.
Congress [T]
Labor & Industrial History Audio Archive
Ching-te: Inaugural Taiwan National Day Address
Lance Armstrong: 2005 Tour de France Victory Speech
Fitzgerald: John McCain Arizona Memorial Address
Lessig: On Laws That Choke Creativity (TED)
Strickling: ICANN 2011 Opening Ceremony Speech
(Former). Latin America Officials: Declaration on a Sustainable
World Order
Leaders Network: Luncheon Speeches
Laura Bush:
2004 RNConvention Address
Laura Bush:
White House Correspondents Dinner Address
Laura Bush:
Press Briefing on the Crisis in Burma
Laura Roehl: "Bill Buckner Would Approve"
LeeAnne Walters: On Contaminated Water in
Flint, Michigan
Lee Bollinger: World Leaders Forum Remarks on
[T] [V]
Cohen: Prince Asturias Awards Acceptance Address
Leonardo DiCaprio: United Nations Climate Summit Speech
Leonardo DiCaprio:
"Our Ocean" Conference Address
Panetta: End of Operation New Dawn Ceremony Speech
Panetta: 2012 AIPAC Address
Panetta: 2012 National Press Club Address
Panetta: Pentagon Press Conference on Women in Combat
Panetta: Georgetown University Speech on Leadership
Panetta: Farewell Address as Secretary of Defense
Pererro: Statement to Congress on Foreign Worker Replacement
Varadkar: St. Patrick's Day Address to the Nation on COVID-19
Varadkar: On Resigning as President and Leader of Fine Gael
Miles and Matt Flynn: 2008 BCS Championship Speeches
Powell: 1971 Memo to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Lincoln-Douglas Debates [T]
Thomas-Greenfield: UNSC Speech on Humanitarian Impact of Russian
Thomas-Greenfield: On UN Vote to Suspend Russia from UNSC
Thomas-Greenfield: UNSC Address on Russian Filtration in Ukraine
Thomas-Greenfield: On UN Security Council Vote for Gaza Cease Fire
Graham: American Israel Public Affairs Committee Speech
Cheney: USHOR Floor Speech on Liberty, Duty, and the Constitution
Cheney: Address at the Reagan Foundation
Truss: First Downing Street Speech as Prime Minister
Truss: PM Resignation Address
Wahl: On-Air Resignation from RT
J. Austin III: Speech on Assuming Command of U.S. Forces-Iraq
J. Austin III: Opening Statement to the Senate Armed Services Cmte
J. Austin III: PSA On Extremism in the Military
J. Austin III: Briefing with Gen. Milley on Afghanistan Evacuation Efforts
J. Austin III: Presser Following Ukraine Defense Consultative Meeting
J. Austin III: Statement to the Ukraine Defense Contact Group
J. Austin III: Joint Presser with MND Lee Jong-sup on DPRK
J. Austin III: Address to the Reagan Defense Forum
J. Austin III: Address and Q&A Remarks to the Shangri-La Dialogue
J. Austin III: Statement on Israel Air Strikes Against Hezbollah in Lebanon
J. Austin III: SECDEF Farewell Address
Loretta Lynch: Attorney General Installation
Ceremony Speech
Loretta Lynch: FIFA Corruption Charges Press
Loretta Lynch: Remarks on North Carolina House
Bill 2
Loretta Lynch: 16th Street Baptist Church
Lori Lightfoot: Chicago Mayoral Concession
Gehrig: Farewell to Baseball Address
Louie Gohmert Speeches as U.S. Congressman
Louie Gohmert:
House Floor
Speech on America's Religious Heritage
Louie Gohmert:
House Floor
Speech Honoring Andrew Breitbart
Louie Gohmert:
E-mail Communique on Holding Town Hall in East Texas
LSU 2020 National Championship Pregame Hype Video
Luis Sandoval González: Conferencia de Prensas Sobre
Tropas Fronteirza
Russert: Kennedy Center Memorial Remarks on Tim Russert
[T] [A]
Baines Johnson: Memorial Day Address at Gettysburg
Baines Johnson: "Let Us Continue"
Baines Johnson: First State of the Union Address
Baines Johnson: "The Great Society"
Baines Johnson: Presidential Inaugural Address
Baines Johnson: "We Shall Overcome"
Baines Johnson: Howard University Commencement Speech
Baines Johnson: On Rising Tensions in the Middle East
Baines Johnson: Renunciation Speech
Baines Johnson: Final Public Speech
Turner: Gardere 2016 MLK Oratory Contest Speech
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